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Everything posted by Badass

  1. Hi I heard from friends of mine that the current server version is not compatible anymore with the latest teamspeak version. Can the server get an update?
  2. I dont want to be mean but you are not the first to suggest something like this. C4, 3x nades, martyr etc. we have seen it all, and everyone is annoyed by the one other thing. The crossfire server is doing excellent as it is doing now, so there is no reason to change the configuration.
  3. Let me see I couldnt find you under 'Seek Person' or with that GUID. However I found your IP adres, linked to a ban given by Puddingsbane back in february for indeed Wallhack. We are not required to save proof for that long (only for 1 month), so there is a very big chance Puddingsbane does not have this proof anymore, in which case the ban stands as it is. Sorry to disappoint you. I believe I once made a topic about this. Leave ban appeals for HA's and RA's or for the server admin that is required to show his proof. Thank you.
  4. The problem with those amd cards is that they are loved by miners, so their price is blown up even more than the Nvidia cards I see that the rx 560 pulse goes for €150,-- and the 2gb version goes for €135 in my country. So yeah if you do not want to go higher, probably a rx 550 but you can hardly call that a gpu.
  5. The most cheap 1050Ti goes for €175 in my country... that is almost 55€ over his budget for a GPU Dunno about the price of a Rx 560 Pulse (4 Gb) nowadays, but a friend of mine bought it for €125 last year.
  6. Oh I loved playing MW2 co-op.
  7. Badass


    This is not the way it works guys. Please stay true to the rules regarding ban appeals. This is not the first ban appeal I see someone reacting to it while he/she is no server admin, let alone the server admin in question. That is why this ban appeal now looks like a pile of chaos.. Because brasil_66 is still a rookie admin, his proof will firstly be reviewed by his tutor. Also brasil_66's bans are temporary (3 hours to 1 day) due to his rookie status. So we will all wait patiently for SirYi to review brasil_66's proof. If he finds that Owoisop is clear, no further action will be taken, and
  8. I am unable to see the 2nd vid because its blocked in my country. I also need more proof to ban. Hard to judge since he laggs like crazy
  9. Still stupid that you dont get an extra discount on only the dlcs then. Because there are games that do this (Sniper Elite, Ticket to Ride, Vermintide etc. etc.) Besides that the game just does not run at all on w7 or higher.
  10. Had a shitty experience with a few games during the current summer sale. Fallout for example. Since I am a long-time elderscrolls player, one of my friends suggested to buy fallout. I already owned the basegame of New Vegas & Fallout 3, so he suggested to buy some dlcs instead. I was very close to doing that however I ran against a few problems. 1. Falllout 3 does not run on w7 or higher unless you go around and edit some stuff (new vegas does run). 2. There are 3 steamstore options; A buy the base game, B buy the dlcs individually (€15) C buy game of the year/ ultimate editions with ba
  11. This is not your ban appeal, so please refrain from posting, thank you. P.s. does someone know why this topic was moved to closed appeals but was still open and no reaction was given?
  12. Why do we suddenly need to subscribe to the newsletter :S anyways thanks humblebundle, but i am going to unsubscribe as soon as I can
  13. Kill @ 3.36 is to be honest very very suspicious & 3:39 aswell , and so are the last 2 kills starting 1:00 I don't think he has wallhack, he does not see people through walls, and he makes good use of UAV. But these suspicious kills are when his vision is supposed to be blocked off by smoke, so he either has 4 lucky kills because smoke can be a bit buggy, and this worked in his favor. Or he has some smoke ignoring thingy going on here. Maybe a redadmin can shine some light on these 4 kills. Either way, can I ask you to not put any music/ editing effects etc. in banrequests. I tur
  14. I play rocket league, was champ 2 last season
  15. Was about to do the same. This guy is clearly Wallhacking. Thanks both! CLOSED
  16. Reason: Rule #5 : No Abusive/Excessive Spawnkilling or Camping How can this rule aply, if he doesn't even kill someone while 'camping'. He has killed 4 people with grenades, but he has not even landed a single hit on someone while spraying with his rpd. So there is just no way that this is abusive. I even have my doubts wheter you can scale this under 'camping' or not. No ban, and the reason is obvious, 2:05 mintues and not a single hit landed. Just in no way abusive...
  17. Can I comment on this that this is just killhouse, so deal with it? This looks like camping and maybe it is. But this is in no way abusive since he camps in his own spawn. Besides, again, this is killhouse. You can shoot through everything, the map is very small, it is constant nade/gl/rpg/smoke/ spawnkill spam. You should be able to kill this guy, without too much trouble. No ban in my opinion.
  18. Please stick to one topic, I'll close this one.
  19. I already signed up like 2 weeks ago, however glad that it is now live :)
  20. Well the same thing applies to for instance other violations. Rule #0: No Jump -> if I get killed by someone that jumps around once or twice I am not going to make a point out of it. By any means, probably the second after that, he gets struck by a GL or a nade, so no point in warning that dude. However if he starts bunnyhopping around the map shooting everyone, and dodging all the bullets just because he jumps around like a fish on dry land, at that point I am going to say/ do something about it. Rule #6 : Offensive players must play for the objective and support their team We had w
  21. One thing that I would like to add is that ´learning´ the rules is part of a tutor´s job. So I would for the first instance go to your (ex) tutor and ask him/her what they conclude. Besides that our lovely SirYi once made a great topic with the help of Avatar, containting info about some of the rules and hacks, and tips from other (ex) admins. Some video's might not work, but it's already a great idea what some of your duties are. http://noname.zone/index.php/topic/5924-learn-about-your-new-duty/
  22. Yeah it popped up on the steam news, got it now.
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