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How Did You Get Your Gaming Name

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How did you come up with your gaming name ?


Let me start off with myself


I was and still am a big star wars fan and at the time I was watching star wars the clone wars on my friends laptop when I didnt even have a PC of my own , and well my favourite clones name was Fives and that's were I got it


Here's a pic of him


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Back when i was a dr addict (i was a kid) had my name idk why DEATH|RUN<3.


After sometime i made it RUN and after some time runny


Sad story :D:D:D

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meh :3


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:nN: http://cache.www.gametracker.com/clan/noname.zone/type-460x42_cborder-000000_ctop-000000_cbottom-484514_ctext1-F04B29_ctext2-FFE000_chighlight-FFCC00.png  :nN: 

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I never had a solid gamename, specially back in the days of early cod 4. At some time after not playing the game for years, i bought it new for 5€. I began playing at the ar51 broadcast server. Had to pick a name and had no inspiration.


I mostly play with the alias Mysterious now. However that name is on some services taken (like discord etc) that is why I use Krovikan also sometimes. Which is a name I used for some webbrowser games. Named after a vampire slayer =) I disgusted vampires as a kid

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my nick is MAD eKs just a random one, it was created to play a competition in the uni, then i joined here at the same time. then MAD eKs became GREEN MAD during the member which created it to mach the color(green) of members nicks :D and that's why now it is WHITE eKs ;) and don't expect the same in the future, thinking to end it in this level ^^


and i am mostly using nick called ReDiReCT in gaming, it was inspired by me web browser redirects  :confused:  because me spending lot of time with browsers, not just to surf internet. some developing stuff, so ^^

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"Everyone Should Deliver Their Best for the World" S50AtrG.gif

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My story goes about 5-6 years back, when i was playing Cod4 on random public servers. 

Then i ran to this random group of players who had tag "bich_" in front of they're name. 

After some time of playing with these guys (mostly on c4s KH server) they thought that i would be a great bich_  :D

Back then i was using nickname Psycho[FiN], and we thought that i need new name, so it suits with other bich_  members name :D 

So then my good friend @stelthii (♥)  suggested that I could be Finny :p

After that i've used this nickname :)



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Since I'm a  metalhead it has to do something with dark stuff, death, murder and other fun things like that. Well for me it all begins with the phrase "the bane of my existance". And Bane derived from Icelandic and old germanic languages means "Death", and I love Pudding. So get those two together and you get "Puddingsbane". Basically an planet sized blob of pudding devouring and crushing everything in its path, it's horrifying and yet so sweet and innocent. Death has never been so sweet :) and my enemies know it :)

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Bartolo is my second nick, first one was Predonius, I left it when i grow up, is like a pleasant part of the past. I don't use Predo from a long time,


Story of my nick Bartolo  "is dark and full of terror"(cit)


My name is Matteo...it souds like Bartolomeo(an explorer), at least in my language that's an assonance, so Bartolomeo became Bartolo.


That's all, boring birth of an epic name^^

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My name : " the Legend " came from a game name. 

I played it and my name was born.  


Here is a link to the trailer pls used your sound  because thats really good 





regards from The Legend

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I Got Corona and i have Survied it


im the best 


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This is a great topic idea!


I'm quite embarrassed about my choice of name now. It's super obvious. When I first joined you guys, I thought the Doge internet meme was funny. I also used to browse the "MLG Montage Parody" sub reddit at the end of 2013. Both of which became known and almost mainstream and now have died off. I just had a quick look back and it's quite cringe worthy. I'm sticking with this name here. I wish I chose some subtle reference or something from my other interests to be my name. Oh well, growing up I guess :)

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"Valter brani Sarajevo" in english (Walter defends Sarajevo)  is a yugoslavian film from 1972. that is shown countless times on TV, and film is about a man who tried to stop nazi soldiers.


That's how i got inspiration for my nickname, and after some time playing cod4  ppl remembered me as Walter.


So no need to change it ;)

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