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  1. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by JillyJill in nN| Award System   
    Hello, noName,
    We are glad to announce the opening of new Award System, which is available for all nN| members.
    How it works?
    There are 33 achievements in total. To get one of them, you have to complete some task. You can find awards list and stats in the top menu http://noname.zone/index.php/jawards/
    When you perform a task, one of administrators will attach to you this achievement. You can find all unlocked awards on your profile and see others.
    With this system we can get new awards with pleasure and also see everyone’s activity.
    Best regards
    nN| FTW
  2. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Mrozy in Deathrun Custom Skins   
    Hello NoName
    I prepared recently something for graphic designers.
    As you know our deathrun have 10 custom weapons with stock skins. If anyone would like to try his skills to create some skins (not only custom), I share all weapon images from deathrun.
    Link: http://deathrun.byethost32.com/skins/
    All files are exctracted to .dds filetype and ready to edit!
    You are able to download single file, archived and all skins in 1 file.
    I hope I helped a bit in work :)
    P.S You can use this uploader, if you have problems with http://noname.zone/index.php/topic/6848-link-to-vip-skins/
    Uploader: http://deathrun.byethost32.com/uploader/
  3. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by DinoGrzmot in Dino as a member! :D   
    Nickname(s) In-game : DinoGrzmot

    Real name (optional) : Szymon

    Age : 16

    Location (country) : Poland

    Steam/Skype/Raptr : Steam: DinoGrzmot , Skype: szczepunmardas1


    Games that you play on : CoD4, CS:GO, League of Legends, Rocket League, CoD BO1, BF3 and Fifa 16 

    Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : Deathrun , promod, search and destroy.
    GUID (only last 8-digit) : c49b7240

    How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : 2 weeks


    Why do you want to join us ? : I have some friends in your community

    Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : Im really funny guy and im nice and active person, and i think im too helpfull.

    Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : I was in one clan before. <LP> clan but that was 4 years ago.
    Adittional info : Mike and Pepe luv u <3
  4. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Evinrude in Tutorial for Kill the King mod (with pictures and videos!)   
    Here is a little introduction to Kill the King (ktk) mod,
    If you have never played the mod, you can find out here, what the mod is about and how the gameplay works, so your first try at it will be much easier. If you have tried to play it, but you did not understand anything, I hope this will help you also. And maybe old ktk gurus can find some good information in here also.
    Ktk mod is full of high speed action, awesome maps and most exiting competitive gameplay. If you try it, odds are you are going to like it.
    Being very good in ktk is rather difficult, you have to know other player's gaming style, know the maps, know the mods, be vary good with crossbow and sniper rifles, use hardpoints, unlockables and perks to your advantage. The more you play, more fun you will have.
    So basically, the name of the mod explains the gameplay. At the start of every round 3 players are chosen randomly: King, Assasin and assasins slave/or dog. Rest of the players are made into King’s guards. So 2 teams are made->
    1)   King and guards(who’s job is to keep the king alive)
    2)   Assasin’s team (Assasin and his slave/dog + killed guards, who turn into assasins)
    Every map has 10 rounds, every round lasts 5 minutes. King’s goal is to survive for that time to win, Assasin’s goal is to kill the king before the time runs out.
    What makes things interesting,  is that when assasin kills a guard, the killed guard will become one of the assasins. So in the round start there are only 2 players on assasin’s team, but everytime a guard is killed by an assasin, new assasin team member is born. But note this - when a guard kills assasin, teams don’t change. But when the King kills one of the assasins, who was previously a guard, the killed assasin will be turned back to guard.
    So the team balance very dependant on the Kings and Assasins ability to kill other players and „recruit“ them on their side.
    Gameplay as King – you start with magnum and a mp44 machine gun. + also you will have 2 claymores. When you manage to kill some assasins, you earn airstrike and mortar strikes. All you have to do, is to survive. If you get stuck with grenade arrow, its basically game over. So don’t.
    Gameplay as guard – You start with a small low damage pistol, but after every kill you make without dying you can press F to get a new more powerful weapon (like gungame!). The last weapon is minigun (deathmachine, known from rotu). This is a very very powerful machine and with 15-10 players on map, I’ve seen people get 250+ kills thanks to minigun.
    Gameplay as the original Assasin –You start with Crossbow and mosin nagant rifle. The crossbow is very accurate weapon with high damage. +if you press 5, the crossbow has 1-3 grenade arrows (not so accurate, as regular arrows tho), that get stuck to anything they hit.
    If you will hit the King with a grenade arrow, he dies and you win. So the grenade arrows are very powerful. If you kill 3 guards without dying, you will get m21 rifle (also applies for all of assasins team), which is very dangerous and can potentially mean you can very easily kill the king or guards. example here:
    Gameplay as slave/dog – each round the original Assasin will have an randomly appointed assistant. A slave or a dog. Which one do you want to be, you can choose in ktk options. If you are slave, you get a different weapon each time you die. Everything is exactly the same as the killed guard assasins, but only difference is, you will not turn back to guard, when killed by King. If you choose to be dog, you can run very fast and use melee attack. Dog then barks and bites. Also, dog cant climb ladders (but this can be cheated with a very simple trick, press B before climbing ladder as dog and voila!). Dog is not a bad option, as many think, cause the dog is very very fast and small, so dog can be very dangerous.
    Bonus weapons and perks – many players don’t know that in the beginning, but there are many ways to get cooler weapons and better abilities in ktk.
    1)   Hardpoint – press esc for menu and open hardpoints options.
    Here you can choose 3 hardpoints that suit you the best at the moment (you can change them any time, some map need different ones to work better) and when you get the needed amount of kills without dying, you recieve the hardpoint you had chosen from here. These bonuses are very cool (you drive around as a little explosive car/attack others with a chopper minigun and you are on the chopper yourself shooting down/ attack with ac130 shooting enemies from a plane with very powerful guns/get nuclear bomb that kills all assasins at once/get a turret gun/get a carepackage delivred/ etc)
    IF YOU DONT CHOOSE THEM, they will not apply themself=you get 3 or 5 or 25 kills in a row, but no bonus for it
    So always make sure, you have hardpoints chosen.
    2)   Unlockables – after prestigeing to level 1, you can open unlockabes.
    Every prestige level gives you +1 point and here you can choose what perks/extra weapons/etc you want to use these points for. This choice can also be changed anytime so try different things.
    Getting new perks with prestige points CAN BE a very big advantage. Guard can for example be given a crossbow in the round start or you can choose to start with a deagle instead of a small pistol. These are very very valuable points and hard to earn.
    Also, most maps have 2 random weapon buying points – a weapon cost is 75 points (10 points are given for every kill) and weapons can be bought by both, guard team and assasin team, although the given weapons are different. You can be unlucky and recieve throwing knives or be lucky, and get nuclear bomb.
    Also, ktk has its own ranks and challenges to achieve!
    PS! At the last minutes, one of King guards will turn into terminator= looks like metal skeleton, but has minigun and more health. This is cool!
    Now, here are some example videos of gameplay from nN minievent @ ktk server 3. Dec. 2015.
    many players were there!
    Here you can see many things mentioned above.
    Thanks to everyone on the video!
    Let me know what you think of this tutorial and what you think is missing from this post.
  5. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by JillyJill in Inspirational & Motivational movies   
    There are some inspirational and motivational movies with good stories and wise quotes about sport, business and life. Feel free to share your movies
    Last update: 12.01.16
    1. Million Dollar Baby (2004)
    This ideal in all respects, a sports drama is not only about boxing but about how important it is to follow your dream, despite the conditions, the complexity of the objectives and opinions, even loved ones.
    2. Southpaw (2015)
    Billy Hope grew up in an orphanage and from childhood through all of life's obstacles he held together with his beloved wife. Now he is a successful boxer, he has a family and fame. But a sudden tragedy destroys everything.
    3. Rocky (1976)
    One of the most popular dramas about the role of a simple guy in a big box. It includes also the continuation of the Rocky movies.
    4. Never Back Down (2008)
    The protagonist begins to engage in fighting, and the film shows how much efforts he needs to put in trainings to be succeed.
    5. The Social Network (2010)
    Biographical drama that shows the birth of Facebook.
    6. The Fighter (2010)
    Biographical drama about famous boxer Micky Ward.
    7. Girlfight (2000)
    Another sports drama about an ambitious young girl who has decided to try boxing.
    8. Invincible (2006)
    Coach of popular american football team Philadelphia Eagles decided to hold a competition among all who wish to join it, and what came of it.
    9. Freedom Writers (2006)
    Young teacher begins teaching lagging multinational class, students are accustomed to survive in the streets of gang violence. Her goal is not only to educate their school subjects, but also to give a hope that they have a better future.
    10. Boiler Room (2000)
    Drama in which you can highlight a few key points of business development and methods of business conversations.
    11. Erin Brockovich (2000)
    ]Drama about a strong woman who is not accustomed to give up, even when seemingly everything has been lost. Erin Brockovich raises three children alone, has almost no money, but still trying to achieve justice for the injured people.
    12. Conviction (2010)
    The main character's trying to prove the innocence of her brother, unjustly condemned to a life sentence.
    13. Eat Pray Love (2010)
    The woman goes on a journey to find herself.
    14. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
    Young family with a child. Debts. Taxes. Fines. There is no money even for that to pay for housing. But the main character doesn't lose the hope that is still possible to achieve the best, and makes the first steps on the path to happiness.
    15. G.I. Jane (1997)
    Elite training program for the military. Not every man would agree to go there, and not everyone will be able to hold out until the end. However, the main character, the first woman who dared to pass this program, is not going to give up. She will go through any difficulty to prove that man is capable of anything.
    6. Men of Honor (2000)
    The protagonist has dream to serve as an officer in the Navy. He has ambitions, he trains hard and strives to prove his devotion to the dream. The only thing that prevents him to achieve the desired - the color of the skin.
    17. Blue Crush (2002)
    In the center of the story - four girls who loves surfing. The main character got the chance to participate in the contest, the outcome of which will decide her future.
    18. Soul Surfer (2011)
    The main character is a girl who likes the windsurf from childhood and even participated in the competition. But one day, during a training session she was attacked by a shark, and as a result the girl has lost one hand. She did not even allow thoughts to quit the sport, and family help her to get back on board.
    19. Chasing Mavericks (2012)
    The main character in his fifteen years has gained the basic skills of surfing, and now wants to conquer the highest and most dangerous waves. He decides to seek help from one of the most respected local surfers.
    20. Riding in Cars with Boys (2001)
    She became pregnant at 15, and now all of her dreams about the future life collapsed in a moment. For years, she had tried to achieve her goals and become a good mother for her child.
    21. Forever Strong (2008)
    The young man used to living without thinking about the future. He plays rugby, but  usually spends his spare time in the noisy company. Everything changes when suddenly he finds himself in the prison.
    22. The Ron Clark Story (2006)
    Teacher arranged to work in the lagging class, and now he has to win the respect of new students and help them to change their destiny for the better.
    23. Have Dreams, Will Travel (2007)
    The incredible story of two teenagers in love who decide together to go through all the obstacles of life and achieve their dreams.
    24. The World's Fastest Indian (2005)
    The protagonist has spent decades to carry out long-held dream - to set the record on his own vehicle, and now he will make a decisive move.
    25. Cinderella Man (2005)
    After several defeats the protagonist leaves boxing and interrupted with a lousy job to another, to provide wife and children, but he still hopes one day to return to the ring.
    26. The Blind Side (2009)
    This ignorant, clumsy, big black guy was the subject of ridicule of others, until he found a woman who decided to help him find his own way in life and achieve the success.
    27. Awakenings (1990)
    The scientist comes to work at the clinic, where he notice patients with unexplained illness. They do not move and do not speak for several decades, and no one can help them. He decides to find out the reason for such a state, and awaken them from many years of "sleep".
    28. Ladder 49 (2004)
    When the building is burning, everyone run away. But not these guys who throw themselves into the fire to rescue people in distress. The main character shows how dangerous this profession is and what difficulties in his personal life he has because of it.
    29. The Bucket List (2007)
    Two completely different people who have lived a completely different life, find themselves in a hospital room with a terrible diagnosis - cancer. They decide not to wait for their fate, and go to the last journey, to implement each of the items on the list of what they wanted to do in life.
    30. 8 Mile (2002)
    History of Detroit 90s where the mess is going on in the streets and inside people's hearts. All of this is present in rap, which the main character lives.
    31. The Help (2001)
    This film reflects the destiny of black people in America '60s, and particularly women, working as a maid for white people.
    32. Peaceful Warrior (2006)
    The protagonist is a young gymnast who dreams of winning gold at the Olympics. However, he is irresponsible, frivolous and prone to foolish adventures. An older man decided to show him the other side of life.
    33. August Rush (2007)
    The boy grows in a orphan's home, but believes that parents love and wait him. He discovers his unique talent in music, not knowing that his mother is the cellist and his father is a guitarist who for many years dreaming of being together. The boy thinks that if he will play a lot, the parents will be able to find him, and decided to take the first steps toward his dream.
    34. The Guardian (2006)
    The film tells the story of the rescuers - the brave guys who are willing to give his life to save a stranger. One experienced rescuer forced to take a break from hazardous jobs and to train young people to this profession.
    35. Warrior (2011)
    They met in the ring. Each has his own purpose for the victory. They are brothers, but they can’t retreat.
    ]36. The Hurricane (1999)
    The life story of Rubin Carter, an outstanding boxer, who falsely accused sent to prison for three life sentences. He wants to prove his innocence, but over the years the hope of gradually leaving him. Faith will return him new friends who will not stop until Carter released.
    37. Gladiator (1992)
    Young guys get on the boxing ring to earn money and for many of them it is the only way to provide for themselves and their families. Friendship will help them get out of the clutches of the manipulators.
    38. The Grey (2011)
    The plane crashed near Alaska, and several passengers have to survive, finding themselves in the middle of the pack among wolf deserted snow-covered territory. The film is about that you need to fight to the last, even when exhausted all efforts.
    39. Gladiator (2000)
    The Colosseum takes the lives and hopes of many gladiators who have fallen to under tragic circumstances. But one of them is Maximus, a brilliant military leader, whom the emperor has betrayed and destroyed his family. General will present the faith and knowledge of the introduction of the fight other gladiators, and will not give up until achieve justice.
    40. Rain Man (1988)
    Very kind movie about family. How person can suddenly change after one meeting and become more benevolent and wise.
    41. A Beautiful Mind (2001)
    The life story of John Nash, whom genius borders on insanity.
    42. Forrest Gump (1994)
    The film shows the story about Forrest Gump, retarded, but very kind and honorable person.
    43. Gravity (2013)
    The space is attractive and dangerous. The main character went through the real loneliness, when she stayed alone in this frightening infinity.
    44. The Terminal (2004)
    While Viktor Navorski was in the plane, the coup d'etat happened in his country. And now he's stuck in the airport with passport from nowhere.
    45. Grudge Match (2013)
    Comedy about two former boxers who have decided to carry out a decisive battle and put an end to their long rivalry.
    46. Pain & Gain (2013)
    The film tells the story of the semi-serious manner about three bodybuilders who have decided to get rich, and thus radically change their lives. An important role is played monologues rather than the story itself.
    47. Nightcrawler (2013)
    Louis Bloom was trying to find a good job, but instead of that he found a vocation. He bought a camera and now spends all nights trying to catch some accident on video for the good money. And Louis is very good at that.
    48. The Walk (2015)
    The movie tells the story of Philippe Petit's Aug. 7, 1974, high-wire walk between the Twin Towers.
    49. The Green Mile (1999)
    One of the greatest movie of all time. It is filled with the pain of others suffering, and love that can save people.
    50. jOBS (2013)
    Good movie with many inspirational quotes.
    51. Gran Torino (2008)
    The protagonist is an old cynic. His family forgot about him and thinking only about his property. But the new neighbors changes everything.
    52. John Q (2002)
    The son of the protagonist is seriously ill, but the family has no money for treatment. The desperate father takes hostages in the hospital, so doctors have to help his son.
    To be continued
  6. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by l-S7-l in nN| Deathrun Songs!   
  7. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Floki in nN| Deathrun Songs!   
  8. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Floki in nN| Deathrun Songs!   
  9. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by LanCesteR in VIP Skins Selection? VOTE PLEASE   
    If it doesnt take that much time why dont u give it a try? i think its nonsense to vote for this feature if there is noone who wants to take care bout creatin these skins
  10. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Buh321 in Buh321   
    Hey my nick name is buh321 and i am from croatia
    Nice to meet you all and i want to be member of your clan
    I playing nn servers all the time
  11. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Finny in Random Records :>   
    Nice skills, and those skins are absolutely great! Guess i'll have someone challenging me on killhouse ;)
  12. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by LanCesteR in Random Records :>   
    just some random records of my gameplay... dat last sniper kill xD


  13. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by ARI in Im Ari im glad to meet family again <3   
    Hello again Ar51 Friends and Boss  :ninja: Substanzreally verry happy to see family back 
  14. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Pa-dbol in Pa-dbol   
    Nickname(s) In-game : euh... Pa-dbol ...I do not think I had any other

    Real name (optional) : optional  ;)  ...

    Age : optional  24  34 44  oooohhhh : 45 !

    Location (country) : France

    Steam/Skype/Raptr : sorry ... I do not use

    Games that you play on : COD... only COD

    Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : nN servers.  killhouse (but just a little)  ;)

    GUID (only last 8-digit) : a6e6c8e7

    How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : one hour ? two perhaps... or more. 


    Why do you want to join us ? : because a majority of nN are not really antipathic :)  / i  like yours servers /  why not spend a few years together?

    Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : sorry i haven't any talent

    Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : yes.. 5-6 days   ... no : YEARS.. MorduRezo on cod2 and cod4

    Adittional info :
  15. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Finny in Finny's Apply   
    Nickname(s) In-game : Finny, bich_Finny, Psycho[FiN]

    Real name (optional) : Aleksi

    Age : 19

    Location (country) : Finland

    Steam/Skype/Raptr : Steam: aaaasburger


    Games that you play on : CoD4, MW2, MW3, Company of Heroes, but mainly just CoD4

    Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : nN servers, C4S Killhouse, and WSG Killhouse

    GUID (only last 8-digit) : 187bbd95

    How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : Hmm.. Maybe 2 hours a day, sometimes more sometimes less..


    Why do you want to join us ? : To be part of a great gaming community, and get to know great players all around the world, be part of events discussions etc.. Aaaand ofc to catch all the filthy little hackers!

    Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : I'm funny person and great player, daily nN forum and server visitor

    Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : TNL, Ar51, -=RiP=-, and the loved unofficial bich_clan! :D

    Adittional info : Have been thinking to apply for long time, and now though that why not! :D
  16. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Finny in Finny   
    Actually didn't know :D, tried to search that where tf can i change it, but didn't find so made new :D Next time i'll ask xD
  17. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Runny in SoldierN034 recruitement   
    goodluck m8 :D remember to be active and follow the requirements
    The guidelines to be accepted :

     - You must be at least 14 years old to be recruited as a member.

     - You must have more than 14 days of presence on our forum and show us your real desire to be part of our family.
    - You should write at least 10 posts (not in a row and not spam) on our forum. It will allow us to better know you.
       Please do not spam our forum with useless posts, (you won't become a member faster), try to make a contribute to the discussion.
    - You must not have broken any Server/Forum rules. We expect people who represent us to represent us right.

    - You should introduce yourself in Introductions section, for us to have better view at who we are planning to accept.
       *GUID-Note* : If you don't know your GUID, join a server, go into cod4-console and type /pb_myguid. Your GUID is mandatory !
    Nota : If you are going to be AFK/Inactive while the term of your application, notify a Head Admin or Leader. Or your application will be Suspended after a certain amount of time. Please make sure you meet all the Guidelines to be Recruited, and filled the Whole form correctly, Or your Application may be Suspended.
  18. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Finny in Finny   
    Hi I'm Finny, i used to be bich_finnn here but i stopped using that account and made new one because it wasnt suitable here cuz "bich" stands for unofficial clan that i'm in :) i've been playing for long time, and enjoy really much playing at nN servers (mainly killhouse) Hope to see you guys around :)
  19. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Azeri in How to open .dm_1 file. Demo files COD4.   
    Funfact: You have to launch the certain mod, if you recorded from that. (eg. to replay demo from a deathrun match, you have to launch deathrun, and then type /demo [demofile])
  20. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Mino in Olympique Lyonnais, my life as an ultra   
    Hello everyone, I'm not here to talk about the football club Olympique Lyonnais history or current events. I am one of OL ultras, that is to say the group of supporters Bad Gones KVN (means child in Lyon slang). This group is located in the north turn of Gerland stadium, and with over 5000 members is the largest group of supporters in France. http://static.canalblog.com/storagev1/rvekt.canalblog.com/albums/3__le_football/virnord.jpgI am in the left of the lower floor (approx) Quick reminder on the ultras in football, they are often associated with violence but it is not true: - Supporters: (80% stadium) supports his team, will stand up and scream when the team scores a goal or for a big occasion. Sit the rest of the game and do not sing- Ultra (19% stadium) Often located in the turns. He sings for the club from the start until the end, makes tifos, animates turns, hues opponents. Makes the atmosphere in the stadium- Hooligan (1% point) ultras often (but not only), he is a violent individual for whom football is often secondary. He is often politicized far right, participates in fights, threatens the security forces and police. In short terms, makes a hell of a mess. The word "ultra" is scary because it's a strong word , but I have never been involved in a fight in my life, and it's not going to start soon   Otherwise, our role is to sing throughout the game our love of the club and make / develop stunning tifos. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/4TpaOGOL5bw/maxresdefault.jpgStarting "AHOU" song ! This year is the last in Gerland, so every game reserve an exceptional tifo. Each drawn tifo requires three weeks of work (all volunteer). Examples : Lyon-Reims (3 oct)   In this case, it is the Rhône derby between Lyon and St Etienne, a close town. The rivalry is very big because Lyon is the richest town and St Etienne is poor due to a coal mines past.http://www.lyonpeople.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/017.jpgLyon - Chiens Verts (OL - ASSE) / April 18th 2015  http://www.olympique-et-lyonnais.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tifo-Olympique-lyonnais-BG-87.png?87af7cLyon - Toulouse (23 oct) In two months, we will leave Gerland to go to the "Stade des Lumières". It will be way bigger (38000 Gerland -> SdL 59500) and above all an ultramodern  stadium and built only for football. It will be 100% private, will offer a park around the stadium, a clinic, a mall and entertainment center (with games, karting...), and business offices. It should bring over € 100 million per year at the club. http://s-www.leprogres.fr/images/A9EBD6D0-9BBF-4A60-98BB-ECE349414711/LPR_17/photo-richard-mouillaud-1445962942.jpg http://s-www.leprogres.fr/images/FDDAA4B1-7968-433B-86F1-11FA7C2CD5CF/LPR_17/photo-richard-mouillaud-1445962942.jpg http://s-www.leprogres.fr/images/E83606A2-CF6A-41EC-B58D-A4F47E5AF0AC/LPR_17/photo-richard-mouillaud-1445962942.jpg   Here's my life as an ultra ! From Lyon with love, nN|Minolt 
  21. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Mrozy in nN| Deathrun 1.3 Installer   
    Hello NoName
    Last time I worked around to make some alternative of download.
    Our dr mod size is very big compared to stock 1.2 version.
    I created simple installer for people with slow internet and for people with download problems in game.
    To use installer correctly download it from http://deathrun.noname.zone and choose correct cod4 directory.
  22. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Chasey in Chasey NN member?   
    Nickname(s) In-game : Chasey
    Real name (optional) : Evelien, but call me Chasey!
    Age : 29
    Location (country) : NL
    Steam/Skype/Raptr : NA, but i can install one of them.
    Games that you play on : COD and... Star Stable
    Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : DR, KTK,
    GUID (only last 8-digit) : EDIT: 6c7cb5cc
    How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : When i'm active again... MANY! :P
    Why do you want to join us ? : I missed you guys :) playing with you was/is fun!
    Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : My personal talent? Let me think........... I'm just Chasey. Thats my talent :P
    Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : Yes... Ar51
    Adittional info : I'm a nice woman and i like horses :P

  23. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Dettie in nN| DR : Rotation   
    can u add  disco and grassy tot he next rotation plz  ? ;) thanks 
  24. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Riskyboi in Bet you will enjoy this   
  25. JJBKILLER liked a post in a topic by Joker7 in Joker Intro II   
    Amm basically I'm a more mature version of my old self. My real name is Mo. I'm already apart of nN and proud to be a member. I'm pretty much like everyone else. Calm and don't really get overexcited but I minimum my excitement to a sensible amount. But I can sometimes have my moment. Plus, I'm still a happy guy! Hope you guys keep on playing. Stay active all and I'll see you the next time we play deathrun. bb
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