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Everything posted by Fives

  1. If you're having problems with lag in game and it's not your interent then type these in by opening console: /r_drawSun "0" /r_drawDecals "0" /r_rendererPreference "0" /r_aaAlpha "0" /r_detail "0" /r_picmip "3" /r_picmip_manual "1" /r_picmip_bump "3" /r_picmip_spec "3" /r_distortion "0" /r_dlightlimit "0" /r_fastskin "1" /r_ignorehwgamma "1" /r_ingamevideo "0" /r_mutliGPU "1" /r_outdoor "1" /r_texFilterAnisoMax "1" /r_texFilterMipMode "3" /r_zFeather "0" /cg_brass "0" /cg_blood "0"
  2. How to enable console For most clients, the console is diabled from gaming. All you have to do is go to "Options" - "Multiplayer Options" and change the "Enable Console" to "yes". Then, at any time, you can just hit on the ~ key to open console or shift + ~ to open the full console, it really has no difference also make sure when typing something in consol type / before anything else Clients Commands The commands below helped me a lot here : /com_maxfps 125 This is REALLY important cuz the higher the fps is, the more smoot
  3. Congratz. Welcome to the team bud
  4. Fives

    ban req

    Hmm For me i think i would just warn him by saying "Please watch your language" He seems to be new to the server, I'm not going to ban him , if another admin or higher rank think he deserves it then they may do so
  5. 200+ ping because i live in South Africa Mostly any FPS in cod4 for me Not sure my fav map Max Kills in crossfire can be like 70+ if we talking team death match and on promod probably 20+
  6. Happy Birthday old friend ! Have a great day :D
  7. You hacked which resulted in a ban unfortunately we do not unban hackers You should of thought about this when you first downloaded the hack and you would still be playing on our amazing servers :) All in all you will stay banned
  8. Happy Birthday nN ! A HUGE thank you to Substanz for all that he has done for us in these past 3 years and even before nN, You are a great Leader as well as a friend ! And thanks to all Administrators, Head Admins, Server Admins, Rookies and members !! nN FTW
  9. There is no Family out there like nN , The love and support i am grateful for !!!

  10. Awesome stuff bro ! Got a Subscriber also ;)
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