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Everything posted by Acea

  1. What's the total price? If I may ask.
  2. Maybe try without razer synapse (it makes the headset bug sometimes) and uninstall the drivers. It's weird that other devices work.
  3. It depends on the headset. His razer isn't real 7.1 so it doesn't need a dedicated 7.1 soundcard in the pc but it has an integrated 7.1-like one. @Badass : Does it show in the sound options (playback/mic)?
  4. Really nice but as you said the cryptomining makes the GPU price ridiculous. It's not a good time to build a new pc. It's kinda sad to downgrade to a 1060 because of this bs. I got a SSD a year ago and it's a life changer. I won't be able to go back to HDD only. For this kind of config, the SSD is a must in my opinion.
  5. Have you tried another device on the same USB port?
  6. Acea


    It should work now.
  7. Acea


    Player Name : Mikasa Player ID (If known) : Reason: WH Date and Time : Server Name : Nuketown only sniper proof :
  8. Player Name : Becharguia Player ID (If known) : Reason: WH Date and Time : Server Name : Nuketown only sniper proof:
  9. Thank you ! I've also joined this trip with Substanz and other old members exactly 5 years ago !!
  10. Yeah it's only a demo but I'll still try it.
  11. Name : Acea Guid : 95745851
  12. The next month update is server improvement so I hope it'll reduce that lag. I'm a jedi now but I always die at the end. Only 4 chicken dinners I think lol. The banning legend is the past. No more cod4 for me. The new padawans have to replace us. But I am still the banning record holder and nobody will ever beat me I think. I made history :cool2:
  13. I played this game for a month now. It's laggy as duck but what a great game ! You can buy it without hesitation. And on steam you've the 2h/14days rule if you want to get refunded. You will directly see if you like it or not. BATMAN !! Nice to see you again mate !
  14. Can you tell us more about your VAC ban?
  15. If you cheated, you have no place in this clan. You cheated an half year ago and got VAC'ed only 60 days ago? That's weird... A bhop script isn't a major cheat but Valve doesn't allow it and we do not allow it like every other cheats. By gathering infos before applying, you could have known that. You wouldn't have lost your own time and ours. You can consider your app as denied.
  16. CS:GO VAC out of nowhere? Are you joking?
  17. You should look at the temp after a long gaming session. 40-55 degrees isn't that much if you played for a long time
  18. Most of the critics say that it's really repetitive but I'd still like to try it.
  19. No french, no problem. Seems to be a cool game : mix between Sniper Elite, assassin's creed and cod...Why not? But their site is bugged which means I can't get a key for the beta......
  20. I didn't say that cheating would't be the reason of your refusal but that it won't surely be the only reason. We deny your app for many reasons.....
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