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Posts posted by MGSSniperwolf

  1. Hello guys.  2 latest days ive been on interview for a job. and today i got woken up by a phonecall confirming that i just got the job!!!!


    Tho the only problem is: i will be traveling in months straight with the job so there will be no more room for gaming / streaming :(



    And by this i guess im saying that my application will go invalid.

    Even if i get into the clan. there will be no point really as i will be away for so long time at one go :(


  2. well i just started playing again. and no matter what u say. the first picture is damn good stats. and i keep doing it so im gonna be ranked up in no time. (ranked up 2 times in 1 day. and 1 time the next day so its going up fast

    also reason why i got my left hand instead of right hand has a scientific reason behind it and it works. if youre right eye is the dominant eye you should keep your weapon on  left. and oposite. 

    try it and you'll see.

    its uncomfortable the first rounds but in the end its better as you use right side of the screen more than left side as youre right eye is the dominant eye so it takes away the focus point of the weapon and doesnt fill up the part of the screen you use the most.  


    if youre right eye is the dominant eye. dont deny u use right hand side more. because this is something u wouldnt notice. and thats the point of it. the moment you switch hands and get used to it. you'll know what im talking about.

    ive gotten a couple people to try it despite them sayin "no way this could work out"   ... but it worked out.


    one example:


  3. @ali


    Hello you seem really nice person ^^

    ----------------------------------------------- random bs don't get offended------------------

    I laughed at "I do a little bit of dancing." 


    I remembered Shaun T,s CIZE workout dvd,

    I can never imagine a man dancing..

    this is a video of the meetup i participated in with my group couple years ago, THIS IS WHAT I DO:

    stelthii likes this
  4. Decided to make a quick and simple obs studios recording tutorial:




    for more questions just ask. i use obs every single day to record and streeam and whatnot so i can ask pretty much any question, i also use teamviewer to give out extra help if theres an issue with your software.


    heres a download link to the obs studio (wich is the version you should use) 



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