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Status Updates posted by Puddingsbane

  1. I'm done. Get that grenade launcher crap out, I'm really coming to a point to commit murder and I'm not even kidding. GL off on KH, that's a must.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Puddingsbane


      Well gee, how did you know? -.-


    3. AminNa


      Ne se nervirat, ne ne haha :P

    4. MAD eKs

      MAD eKs

      haha xD, i am also dont like them and they are the one who think so pro with gl :v they annoying the game for others -.-

  2. Went back to Call Of Duty 2 multiplayer got ass raped. Tried to sprint in Call Of Duty 2 multiplayer, punched the shit out of the air. Tried to spawn in Call Of Duty 2 multiplayer, died almost immediately. I love Call Of Duty 2 <3 <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Finny


      Damn, now i have to get it again :D

    3. Puddingsbane


      get in finnmeister! what are you waiting for :D

    4. Puddingsbane
  3. Love is like a fart: If you have to force it it's probably shit

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evinrude


      If its forced, is it still love? Or something else already?

    3. Puddingsbane


      If it's forced it's way past the point to be love, it's stupidity . Forcing someone to love you is just dumb.

    4. Evinrude
  4. OK! Amd just announced it's new GPU, the Radeon Pro Duo. It has two chips and a power of 16 teraflops, this thing is TWO Fury X GPUs in one piece of hardware. It will cost you arround 1500-2000 USD, one hell of a beast

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azeri


      lol, i can't even imagine how huge power supply is required for that. I can only have an R9 270x with my 500 watt :(

    3. Puddingsbane


      It has 3 8-pin PEG connectors and the card itself can deliver up to 450 W plus around 75 W from the x16 slot so it could use 525 W of power. It is consuming, very consuming GPU XD hungry


    4. Bennoo


      I hate amd. :S



      ...Even tho I own one. Ha

  5. Playing cod is not fun anymore. If you play at your best everybody leaves and call you a hacker. Nobody has the guts to step up their game anymore, and I'm not allowed to play like a god :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FiNMikeZz


      Well u dont even have to be good anymore becuz last time i was playing they did the same for me :D

    3. Puddingsbane


      It's a good feeling when somebody calls you a hacker, but you are not because you are that good. Brings the smile to my face, and then they start to leave one by one, and that smile slowly drifts away from your face. Forever Alone


    4. AminNa
  6. Why is 80's futuristic music better than the future futuristic music? I'd have retro synth wave any day, damn it's good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Substanz


      Tangerine dream FTW ^^

    3. Puddingsbane
    4. Puddingsbane


      Subz check Master Boot Record or Keygen Church, some brilliant music wiith a modern twist right there

  7. Just a few more hours and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Trilogy replay begins :D! God I love that game.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Puddingsbane


      Hell yeah man :). I suggest that you download the graphics mod from moddb.com. Better lighting, improved day/night cycle, everything has been re-textured....It just looks perfect.

    3. MasterYI


      I just don't like mods, I don't buy a Ferrari to mod it ^^

    4. MasterYI


      Still thanks, for sure I will give it a shot sometime

  8. I'm getting angry again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Substanz
    3. Puddingsbane


      this is punk so why am I surprised XD

    4. Puddingsbane


      But really, I'm pissed off at people lately. So I apologize up front for things I'll say if provoked

  9. Back again. I'm sorry i've been absent for this period of time but i had to work, see you guys in game very soon.

  10. It's my anNiversary, pudding for all! Feast and drink on this day, this is how it was written in the book of Pudding.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Substanz


      Happy anNiversary mate ♥

    3. MAD eKs

      MAD eKs

      happy anNiversary mupping ^^

    4. Tino


      Happy anNiversary pud pud ♥

  11. I'm loosing it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Finny


      Sorry for your lost.

    3. Puddingsbane


      A metalhead, one of the best drummers i've known and a good friend. He was just 24 for fuck sake!

    4. Roohansama
  12. My Adapter was completely fried so I bought a new one and I'm back :). It's a little late but happy new year to all nN members, I hope you had a good and joyful time entering 2017.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MAD eKs

      MAD eKs

      wb bro and HNY :)

    3. Finny


      Welcome back m8


    4. Bennoo


      Happy new year to you too bud, wb :)

  13. I rage too much lately :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Puddingsbane


      No nerves of steel anymore. Did I yell at you for that noise in Dirt? If so, I apologize man.

    3. Finny


      What noice? I heard something, but didn't know it was about me :P Was it my mic?


    4. Puddingsbane


      When you came online i heard everything and crashed,was pissed off XD. Got distracted by it.


  14. We face greenskin invasion rimward, Eldar raiding coreward, rebellion trailing and the tendrils of a Hive Fleet incoming spinward. Situation excellent, attacking on all fronts!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Supra.


      tired to understand this ... :(

    3. Puddingsbane


      Knowledge is power. Guard it well..


      You two have a lot to learn, little padawans.



    4. Puddingsbane
  15. So Intel is screwed. Zen2 is looking more than promising but only time will tell when all the 3rd party tests are completed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Puddingsbane


      he's not going for shares but if he was he would buy amd ones. Yeah intel with all the exploits, patches, performance hits is in a bad shape plus the price to performance if god awful

    3. Roohansama
    4. Puddingsbane


      Well Intel answered to Zen2, 10nm Ice Lake, sunny cove cores, all new architecture, huge IPC improvements.......I love a healthy competition happening right now.

  16. Hello darkness my old friend, let the self hate begin.

  17. Happy easter everyone.

    1. Tino


      Happy easter :)

    2. Substanz


      Happy easter ♥


    3. Bennoo


      Happy Easter mate :)

  18. i'm back

    1. Tino


      Welcome back Pudpud :)

    2. Puddingsbane


      Pudpud XD, i like that name now :)


    3. Finny


      Welcome back Mr. Pudding

  19. Vad skall det bli av vår höga nord, när hungern river svårt? Hör mig ni söner av frusen jord! Jaga vilt, jaga hårt. (What shall become of our high north, when the hunger tears severly? Hear me, you sons of frozen earth! Hunt wild, hunt hard.)

    1. Finny


      Raubtier lover :D

    2. Puddingsbane


      :) they have some of the most powerful lyrics I've ever heard, and I symphatize with the north and all the bullshit you are going through. this just wants to make me stand the hell up and go to walk with you guys side by side.

    3. Finny
  20. When life slaps you in the face it's nt just one slap. It's a series of millions, and millions little slaps until the grand finale slap, the father of all slaps. And i hate it!

    1. Substanz


      After so many slaps, your cheek gonna enjoy this calm who comes after the storm, like a little taste of heaven ^^

    2. Puddingsbane


      I said millions and millions of slaps and what I've experienced was just a few hundred thousand slaps.


    3. Tino


      When the slaps stop that's when you need to worry... when does the kicking start ^^

  21. I love my 8th generation Intel Coffee Lake processors like i love my coffee, roasted.

    1. Ghost


      i dont understand...my head hurts.


    2. Puddingsbane


      coffee beans are roasted for consumers, coffe lake or Intel in general is roasted by AMD this year. plus Intel cpu's are running hot 90% of the time so yet again, they are roasting. either way Intel is getting roasted hard

    3. Ghost


      oo get it now.. AMD is the best!



  22. yet again.....I'm just a pudding of my former self

    1. Substanz


      Pudpud in puddle of pudding ?

    2. Puddingsbane


      H...How did you guess? O.O

    3. Substanz


      coz pudpud is the king of pudding ♥

  23. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is getting closer, can't wait.

    1. Puddingsbane


      It's like a blend of Mount & Blade and Witcher 3. Plus that combat mechanic is turning me on. Nothing like going mordhau on someone's ass like a boss hehe

    2. Puddingsbane


      By the way the mordhau technique is when you grab the sword by the blade and strike your opponent with a pommel or a cross guard :). And yes, it's badass as it sounds

    3. Puddingsbane


      I love that stuff :). Been multiple times to medieval festivals across Croatia. You learn a lot about of fighting techniques, armor and weapon smithing, how to use different types of bows, how to handle a morning star without killing yourself :P, how to use swords etc.

  24. I see all these deep minded posts I had to add my own: Cast down the idols! Destroy the temples! Slay the priests! Show these fools that they worship nothing more than a rotting corpse!, Dark Apostle Harzhan of the Word Bearers

    1. Scrappydoo
    2. Puddingsbane


      Sanity is for the weak! KILL! MAIM! BURN! KILL! MAIM! BURN!

    3. Walter


      All pigs dieeeeee!!

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