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Nickname(s) In-game :AK909 /deadpotato.99

Real name (optional) :Ahmad Kawas

Age : 12 

Location (country) :Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 

Steam/Skype/Raptr :deadpotato.99/ahmad faisal kawas/whats raptr ?


Games that you play on :COD WAW / COD4 

Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : nN/ death run

GUID (only last 8-digit) :

How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : 1 to 2 if i have time 3-4


Why do you want to join us ? : Cause i think that the members are full of respect and they will respect anyone

Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? :I dont know why u would accept me but ill be happy with this clan so.../i can bring you guys more members/ my personal talent is Mastering PC i know how to use the ive once mad 1.1 minecraft have 100 fps for second XD so ...

Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : yes 3 and they are bearly know 1.D13 2.D19 3.O-ji

Adittional info : I know alot of thing about pc so if you have any trouble i may give you tips and what to do even tho im still young for that.... i dont swear alot, ok sometimes ,alot .

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Hello Ahmad,Thanks for applying, and I wish you the best of luck.These are our guidelines to accept canditates into the clan. You don't meet with some of them, but nothing is impossible. Exceptions are possible, so don't lose your hope easily :) - You must be at least 14 years old to be recruited as a member. - You must have more than 14 days of presence on our forum and show us your real desire to be part of our family. - You should write at least 10 posts (not in a row and not spam) on our forum. It will allow us to better know you.   Please do not spam our forum with useless posts, (you won't become a member faster), try to make a contribute to the discussion. - You must not have broken any Server/Forum rules. We expect people who represent us to represent us right.- You should introduce yourself in Introductions section, for us to have better view at who we are planning to accept.

AK909 likes this


Deal with it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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wait im in ? 

Not yet, it takes a couple of days to get accepted. Once ready, @Substanz will post on your application, and set a tutor for you.Meanwhile, try to be more active on forum, and get atleast 10 posts. Activity is crucial to get accepted. :)


Deal with it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Could you edit the part of your special talent? I dont get it. Also liking your own posts is not the way it works, you need to get likes from other people. You seem like a nice guy but not mature enough for this community (maybe I am wrong but that's the way I see it). I also hope you are swearing in a funny way and not a cancerous way. Goodluck AK909.

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thx for the support guys so busy with my home work once i finish m posting tone of topics but can u plese tell me wich kind of topics

As long as it's not spam and non-sense it doesn't matter.If I were in your place I would wish luck on other candidates applying to join clan, and welcome those in the introduction section. Maybe 3-4 posts per day should be enough. :)


Deal with it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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