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Terroriser's Application

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Nickname(s) In-game : Red, Tsatsomaki, SainT, Boogieman :P

Real name (optional) : Joseph Tuagalu

Age : 15

Location (country) : Australia

Steam/Skype/Raptr :  Steam: jai_burger2000 , Skype: shadowskuxx24, idk what Raptr is

Games that you play on : COD4, CS:GO, COD1, MW3, MW2, COD2, WaW

Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : [oP], pXg, nN|, Raid|, IceOps|, eBc, NiNJA.

GUID (only last 8-digit) : 

How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : New Key, so like 2 hours with the new key

Why do you want to join us ? : I have some friends in this clan, I see this clan having a bright future ahead of it and I would love to join it before it's to late

Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : I am really good at b3 admin and a pretty good player at CJ and DR, I am humble and very respectful, I have played nN since like it started, I thought I was in nN, cause Flaccid said I could wear the tag, I am sorry if you guys saw me with the tag and did not like me, I wasn't aware that I wasn't in nN :)

Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : [oP] and pXg 

Adittional info : I am 15 years old, I play dr like almost 15 hours a day, on different servers :), I am really good at Rugby League, not to be modest or anything :)


Hope you guys enjoy, have a good day bye-bye :)

Flaccid, Bennoo, Runny and 1 other like this
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