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New nN| RotU-Revolution

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Hi there,


The nN| Leading Staff is proud to announce you the birth of a new nN| Server, based on RotU-Revolution 0.7-alpha (Released on 01.11.2014) :




Hope you like it and that you will come numerous, rekt all these zombies.


Feel free to make suggestions about our RotU server on our forum.


Best Regards






What's new in this version ?



// //
// Version 0.7 //
// //
// released on 01.11.2014 //

--> 3aGl3 is now officially part of the RotU-R Modding team

New Features:
- Ingame stats and RotU-STATS persist even after disconnecting
- Ingame stats are restored when reconnecting
- You are now able to look around while reviving
- New Ammobox and Medkit (from BF3)
- B3 RotU-STATS plugin (with permission from FNRP-Sphere, thanks a bunch!)
- New F2000 (from BF3)
- New SCAR-H (from BF3)
- Combat Knife (replaces Tomahawk)
- Notification Texts at the bottom left when players activate their special
- New MP5K (from BF3)
- When using the server version 1.7a, the server will now do a regular map switch instead of using the rcon password
- Notification text in the bottom left when one of your turrets has run out of time
- New Passive Ability 3 for the Scout: Intelligent Grenades - When a grenade of you hits a zombie in mid-air, the grenade will explode immediately
- The Explosive Crossbow's Arrows now stick to zombies
- Support for the following stock maps:
mp_bloc, mp_cargoship, mp_countdown, mp_creek, mp_farm, mp_killhouse, mp_overgrown, mp_pipeline, mp_shipment

- Support for the following custom maps:
mp_4t4scrap, mp_asylum, mp_mw2_term, mp_surv_boss_road, mp_surv_zombiedesert

- Bigger maprotations! By default you can only store about 1000 characters inside the sv_maprotation. Split your maprotation across several ones!
They are now called sv_maprotation_1, sv_maprotation_2, ..., sv_maprotation_20
Make sure none of them holds more than 1000 characters to prevent bugs!

- Assassin's Vector sharing ammo with secondary weapons
- Minigun 3rd person animation
- 3rd person reload animation of the F2000, AUG and Enfield
- Viewhands visual bugs
- Hitbox model of the Boss zombie is now fully invisible
- Added missing Ability descriptions (Scout Primary Ability 2)
- self.incdammod undefined error, when a player hits a zombie entity that has not been fully loaded

Other Changes:
- Removed unused assets and further cleaned up the mod
- Altered Wave Announcement Text
- Changes to some weapons (timing changes and more)
- The RotU-STATS plugin for manu admin mod will now only open a single connection instead of establishing a connection whenever data is transmitted
- Removed debugging messages of recent maps in the games_mp.log
- Balance changes to Helldogs
- The rcon commands "setprestige" and "setrank" now take an optional third argument: force (has to be 1 if the rank/prestige is to be downgraded), default: 0
- Balance changes to Engineers and Medics:
Engineers now gain less Upgrade Points by providing ammo, additionally the ammobox has a higher cooldown
Medics receive double the amount of Upgrade Points for healing players but nerfed the Healing Aura's amount of returned health per orb
- Some zombie animations have been condensed down to one weapon file, the engine now handles randomizing the animations


Evinrude, RePLaN, MoMo and 4 others like this
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