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Posts posted by RCA

  1. 7 January, 2018



    -Fix for Camera Shake slider not scaling earthquake shaking properly

    -Aberrant Bary eggs now properly drop (required client update).

    -Fixed an issue where turrets would target focus Tek Saddle projectiles but do no damage.

    -Fixed an issue where Heavy turrets would improperly track/spend ammo shooting Tek Saddle projectiles.

  2. 6 January, 2018



    - Aberration: Fixed Battery recharging rate inaccuracy on Power Nodes
    - Aberration: Surface Hyper Power Nodes now recharge 2x speed (for 2x Element Crafting rate)
    - Aberration: Crafting an Element now gives you THREE Element items
    - Aberration: Endboss projectiles now target invisible rockdrakes 
    - Aberration: Camera Shake slider now scales down the earthquake shakes (except when rock-climbing where it's critical to avoid falling!)
    - Aberration: Fixed various server-side map holes
    - Fixed several cases where you could get through the world geometry
    - Massively improved Tamed Reaper stats
    - Fixed Aberration Kibble craftings
    - Aberrant Baryonyx now yields correct Aberrant egg
    - Ragnarok: Fixed over-spawner issue and trigger issues

  3. 23/12/2017



    OPTIONAL HOLIDAY EVENT for dedicated servers available on holidayevent branch!
    - One-time Wild Dino respawn
    - 5% chance of Xmas colored creatures
    - 50% chance of white-colored Dire Bears
    - All hat-wearing wild dinos are wearing Santa hats
    - 12am thru 5am provides temporary buff to live connected players which boosts loot crate quality by 40% (over base values, 15% over LioMagic values), drops more loot, and adds more cosmetics to loot crate drops

  4. 20/12/2017



    - Fixed Rock Drake aerial pounce on Aberration
    - Fixed Rock Drake losing forward-momentum when jumping off ground
    - Chain-Bola'ed Rockdrakes can no longer move while climbing and Bola'ed
    - Fixed Ravager getting stuck when dismounting/remounting on zipline
    - Fixed inability to activate weapon attachments ('N' key)
    - Fixed Grappling players into Tek Shield (detaches Grapple)
    - Fixed kiting Nameless into Fertile areas of Aberration (they'll now leave when they go underground in such areas)
    - Reduced rate of battery depletion in structures by 33%
    - Rollrats now have 20% weight from Wood, but 100% weight from Stone, as intended
    - Aquatic Mushrooms reduce Biolum Poison debuff by 5 seconds per consumption, rather than 1
    - Fixed issue with cavewolf being offset above zipline when reconnecting to server

  5. 19/12/2017



    - Made Wild Plant Species Z only heal, not replenish vitals, and only if not recently damaged, not handcuffed, and not a baby dino. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed climbing Rock Drake not being able to damage targets. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Cavewolf getting stuck when dismounting/remounting on zipline.



    - Updated localizations to include Aberration. Added new localization: Ukranian
    - Fixed Mac/Linux water flickering
    - Fixed Metal Cliff platform using Stone structure damage settings. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Cliff Platforms having 12h decay time -- now is 12d for Stone and 16d for Metal. Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Zipline crash. Requires Server Update.

  6. 16/12/2017


    - Fixed Megalania not dropping their toxin
    - Fixed a issue which prevented some creatures from receiving 100% imprint with the new 8 hour timer
    - Bear traps now take 12 seconds (large) and 10 seconds (small) to activate
    - Fixed multiple building cases where structures would not be placed (i.e cables and wires)
    - Fixed a bug which would cause the Giga to rage eaiser than desired.
    - Fixed a bug which would allow you to get under the map

    - Reduced the Griffin's base HP by 30% 
    - Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (wild) by 25%
    - Reduced the Griffin's HP gained per level (tamed) by 22%
    - Reduce the Griffin's Base stamina by 10%
    - Reduced the Griffin's diving swipe damage by 50%
    - Reduced the Griffin's dive bomb damage by 25%

    - Doubled the number of supply ceates per zone and made them last twice as long
    - Fixed a case where the Glide suit would cause you to float up against gravity
    - Fixed a case where Charge Batteries would not correctly drain in electrical structures
    - Fixed an unintended Gem Hierarchy, which would've allowed different colour gems to be used in place of others for crafting
    - Fixed a case where the camera view would flip when using climbing picks
    - Prevented fertilized eggs from being transferred on servers not using the allow foreign dino setting
    - TEK Bed no longer clears the Reaper Offspring buff
    - Fixed a bug which would cause Supply Crates to drop Plant Species Z Seed blueprints
    - Molerat saddle no longer looses durability when hitting foliage, and reduced it's over-time durability loss whilst rolling by 50%
    - Fixed multiple cases of invisibility for the Rock Drake and Basilisk
    - Fixed a case where a character would be stuck in the floating state when uploading dinos
    - Fixed multiple cases where Ravagers could get through the map
    - Fixed rugs not being freeform painted, or painted when placed on foundations.
    - Fixed a bug which allowed climbing dinos to move when encumbered
    - Removed the wood decal from Plant Z
    - Reaper Queen now has a particle indicator when ready to choose a host for its offspring (below the health threshhold)
    - Fixed a case when climbing with the Rock Drake would rotate your vision
    - Wild Plant Species Z now heals and revitalizes players and their dinos when active (when nearby), and reduced its interval to generate Seeds
    - Flying fast with glider should now be less rubber-bandy

  7. 15/12/2017


    - Fix for Sarcos spawning in noob pool
    - Wild non-alpha Reaper Kings no longer grant XP
    - Platform switch collision is improved to allow you to easily directly climb onto it with an ladder attached to the elevator track
    - Wood elevator platform weight limit increased
    - Wood elevator can now be lifted while it's falling to stop it, and (once client update it posted) you can now repeatedly click the lift command without having to re-open the action wheel
    - Remaining fix for Mod Class replacements
    - Postprocessing Error fix
    - Players who are getting D3D Device Lost Error should try running with "-norhithread" in launch arguments. If that resolves the problem, we'll be able to implement an automatic fix in next update.

  8. 14/12/2017


    - Aberration Dinos can now be properly downloaded on ARKs other than Aberration. Requires Server Update.

    275.31 Requires Server Update.
    - Fixed Linux client crash
    - Fixed server language crash
    - Fixed Mod class replacement priority (Dino replacements etc)
    - Reduced Cavewolf damage by approximately 40%
    - Increased Wild Basilisk HP by 50%
    - Increased Wild Reaper King Damages by 300%
    - Made Aqua Shroom properly restore Water stat
    - Added Nameless to certain areas of Biolum Chamber where they were missing
    - Removed Piranhas from starting-area pool
    - Fixed case where Aberration Endboss sometimes wouldn't appear on clients, also fixed similar issue with Ragnarok Endbosses.

    Substanz and Dettie like this
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