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Everything posted by Doge

  1. Well, I got scammed out of my £60 / 78 Euro CS:GO knife. I went 1st, gave it to some dude for free. He said he would give me a steam voucher for 100 euros. He obviously didn't. Yeah I'm dumb it happened blah blah blah my fault entirely. All me. I guess losing £60 out of a years salary isn't that bad. Please report his 2 accounts for scamming: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bemyburito/ http://steamcommunit.../id/YoloSwag055 Many thanks, Doge PS
  2. Yes! I missed the part about playing as a team. It has gotten a lot worse too, more toxic players & people who don't understand. I remember when it took me months to get out of Silver. Must have been 250 - 300 just to get out of silver no joke. @Acea helped me get out when we had a 5 man team - it was still really tough then too!
  3. So I don't play CS:GO as often as the average player does. I only play at weekends, so I am not fully prepared whilst playing, compared to someone who plays & practices every night after school. When they rolled out the updated rank system, like everyone I lost a bunch of games & deranked a couple of times, thinking that this whole thing would eventually iron itself out mainly down to the millions of people that play this game. I hoped that we would see a 'general' 'skill pattern' emerge from this huge amount of players - just like every other change in the past. But no. I dropped
  4. Doge


    lol good to meet you bud ahaha 'do you think its dead'
  5. This feature is now live! Many thanks to @Substanz! To display your rank follow these instructions: -Go to your profile -Then 'Edit my Profile' -Scroll down to 'Profile Information' -Click on the CSGO rank tab & select whichever one you want Enjoy! Thanks for letting me contribute to this & making it possible!
  6. even with a bottle neck, you will have more performance! goodluck
  7. you might get a "bottleneck" with that cpu, strong graphics card limited by weaker cpu i think this is what happens on my pc because my AMD Quad Core 4.2ghz APU is awful. 4 cores & 4.2ghz sounds good but it is complete crap my laptops' i3 2.3 ghz dual core is way better
  8. I had nothing but trouble with the AMD R7 (R9's younger brother) bluescreens, fuzzy screens, failures in general. I would image the R9 is a better card but now that I bought myself a Nvidia GTX 750Ti (A cheap, powerful entry level card) I'm never going back to AMD. I think all my AMD problems were just bad luck :P However I heard a rumor that the 900 series Nvidia cards are failing to take use of all of their power in these modern games. Sounds crazy! Sorry for being useless lol, I thought I would point out the bad things!
  9. Doge


    Made these today: Featuring @Scruffs on the first one lol Thanks for watching hope you all had a good christmas & a happy 2015
  10. So here are the good bits from the last 3 weekends. I Played 16 matches, won 12, lost 4. Deranked to Master Guardian 2 haha Also tried out more maps, won on them easily :-) Thanks for watching!
  11. Hi NoName, I was wondering if we could add our CS:GO ranks to our profile due to the game becoming more popular. By this I mean a small image next to our name when we post exactly like the country flag! I think this would be a cool little idea that represents nN as you guys become serious in the CS:GO community! :-) So what do you think? Rank Icons: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/532871246070774091/31403BEFD00407DF9D16EBDDE500EB7FE32E18B3/
  12. Good idea interesting looking at the results!
  13. This was popular back in the day, so I thought I would re create! Post anything below! :-) hf
  14. My good friend ripping CS:GO On this adventure he takes a trip down B ramp We went outside this time
  15. Happy Birthday to one of our Red Administrators ! Keep up the great work :-)
  16. I use a modified yitch3 that I first downloaded at the end of 2013. Served me well on my laptop, now looks awesome on max settings on my gaming pc : -)
  17. I think an FFA deathmatch server would be quite popular too :-)
  18. Doge

    Back Again

    So I made a new video from some short clips I got before I went away :-) Hope you enjoy! PS: I'm also making a new video project (not CS:GO) so stay tuned I hope it turns out well!
  19. Doge

    some more :^)

    The rest of Octobers Highlights! I think I'm going to take a short break from the Counter Strike stuff & make some different content. Again, thanks for watching!
  20. Everything recorded by me. Took me 20 minutes to throw this strange mix together - just went with it! Thanks for watching :^)
  21. Might have to get back into the hardcore fast xp action! Nice one dude :-)
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