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Posts posted by Nightshxde

  1. looks like you are having a positive aroma, everyone praising you ^_^.


    Good luck and stay active & positive



    would love to see you active in the shout box and forums more often ^_^


    That’s so nice to hear, you made my day! I shall surely participate more. I really hope I get to know you guys better during this time!


    Thank you so much <3

    JillyJill likes this
  2. This is the first draft. Go through and let me know. Obviously it will be formatted etc. but any wordings to be changed etc I'd love to know.


    Welcome to nN Minecraft Server!

    This comprehensive list of commands contains everything you need to know!

    If you’re new, we’d like for you to /register and set a secure password.

    Doing this means you have to /login every time you’re back to avoid damage to your claims.

    You can also use /changepass to change your password. Ideally keep something that’s not easy to guess. (eg. password, tsk.)


    Once that’s done, /rules should give you a list of things you must follow in order to play on this server. Non-compliance of these rules will result in a ban.


    Please report anyone breaking the rules at https://noname.zone with appropriate proof.

    You can additionally use /ignore to ignore players. This can be undone using /unignore.

    /ignoring gives you a list of people you’re ignoring.


    You will find the commands in this book and more on /help


    When you start the game, you will find yourself at spawn and can come here using /spawn. You are safe in this area and will not take any damage.


    You can teleport to your friends using /tpa <name> and accept or deny teleport requests using /tpaccept /tpyes or /tpdeny /tpno.

    Use /back to go back to the place you were before you teleported.


    Once you explore and find a place you want to build your base in, make sure you claim it to avoid other people from accessing or building in it. 



    -This server doesn’t have PVP enabled by default but you can toggle it on and off using /pvpt


    How to Claim Land

    -Type /kit claim to receive a wooden shovel and stick.

    -Choose the area you want to claim and identify one corner. Using the wooden shovel, right click on this corner. It will look like a diamond block. This means it has been selected.

    -Go to the other corner of the land you want and right click on the block.

    -You can check the area you have claimed using a stick.

    -Use /sethome <name> to set your home. You can set up to 3 homes. 


    You can see a list of blocks you have claimed using /claimlist.

    You can abandon a claim by standing in it and using /abandonclaim or /unclaim

    If you wish to abandon all claims, use /abandonallclaims


    Once you have set a home, you can use /sethome <name> to go to it.

    -Use /delhome <name> to delete a home.


    Letting others build in your claim

    - You can let your friends to build in an area you have claimed using /trust <name> while standing in the claim you wish to give them trust. If you want to give them trust in all your claims, stand outside all your claims and enter the /trust command.

    • Trust means the player can build on your land as well as access all your items. ONLY GIVE TRUST TO PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND CAN TRUST.
    • Stand in a claim and use /trustlist to see who all have trust in your claim


    • You can revoke trust using /untrust.



    You can  use /afk or /away when you are away from the keyboard for small amounts of time.


    /msg /tell /t /m followed by a player’s name sends them a personal message.

    How to use Shop


    To set up a shop:

    • Place a chest in the desired location. 
    • Place items you want to sell in this chest
    • Look at said chest and type /shopkeeper in chat
    • Sneak/crouch (using Shift) and right click on the villager on top of the chest, this will open the menu.
    • The barriers are to set money. The top row is for diamonds, the second is for emeralds.
    • Right clicking on the barriers will reduce the amount by one, left clicking will increase it by one
    • Use the name tag in the menu to name your shop.
    • Use the bone in the menu to delete your shop.


    To buy items

    -Right click on a shop and trade like you would normally trade with a villager.


    /exp : Tells you your experience level

    /compass: The direction you’re facing

    /depth: Your position in regards to the sea level

    /getpos Your current coordinates

    /seen <name>: Tells you the last time a player was seen online.

    /dura: Durability of the item in your hand. (Used for tools)

    /ping: Pong! Just kidding. The time that the message takes is how fast your internet is responding.

    /tps: Ticks per Second of the server. 20 is awesome and 0 is unbearable.

    /givepet <name>: Give your pets to your friends

    /hat: Hold an item in your hand and use /hat for a surprise! Our favourite item to hold is an end rod ;)

    /suicide: Oops. We suggest you don’t!

    /nick: Change your nickname!


  3. I second this. I was present (and also have a ban appeal for the same guy:

    Player Name:

    Player ID (If known):

    • Disrupting gameplay
    • Rude abusive language



    Date and Time :

    • 1st offence: 10th April 2020 (sorry don't remember the time, but he was banned for 24 hours post reporting on discord)

    • 2nd offence: Around 12:45AM PST // 1:15PM IST 13th April 2020


    Server Name : nN Minecraft


    I think above screenshots prove my reason for ban appeal. Have provided a few bits in the middle that were missing.

  4. Nickname(s) In-game : Nightshxde

    Real name (optional) : Preeti

    Age : 23

    Location (country) : India

    Steam/Skype/Raptr : Don't have any. my discord is Nightshxde#6404


    Games that you play on : Minecraft

    Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? : Minecraft

    GUID or STEAM_ID : n.a.

    How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : Almost 7-8 hours a day considering quarantine. may decrease to about 3-4 after.


    Why do you want to join us ? : I feel like a lot of users are really lost when they first join and I often help them out. Given a little more resources, I can help make sure they stay on the server and bring their friends

    Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : I'm a designer and can help with any design work as and when I'm available. Apart from this I'm really friendly and can easily befriend and calm people having issues on the server. I'm also currently helping build /spawn and have some great ideas for the server going forward.

    Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : No.

    Adittional info :

    Badass and Substanz like this
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