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Everything posted by Mino

  1. Magnifique Hawcity !! When i was a child, I went in Agadir for vacations ;)
  2. Good luck, but given your experience, I don't think you run on luck ;)
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irn9FYJP2fY
  4. Hmm, this table looks full of good things.... Can you invite me over, i'll bring french dessert :) Happy new year mate, have a wonderful day !
  5. Well, won't be enough for sure :(
  6. In ARMA III, it would also be a good idea, because most clan servers are populated with mature players while open public servers are populated by people from other FPS games that dont understand the gameplay and want to play it like COD or Battlefield. On forums, i see reports of cheaters and noobs on these servers.
  7. ArmA III can simulate large operations, and therefore the missions can put you in the shoes of a helicopter pilot or an infantry officer, a sniper, even a sapper . All these different roles obviously require very different skills. Multiplayer and coop missions however are based on a distribution of very specific roles: - the driver brings troops following the orders of squad leader, himself in connection with command- the reconnaissance units are support- riflemen rely on their information to progress. You need to master one role so that the team can rely on you. So we've compiled a list of th
  8. Hello nN ! After the birth of new CSGO servers and a brand new Team Fortress 2 server, why not continue ? I present to you ARMA III : http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/107410/header.jpg?t=1455791379 What is ARMA III ?? Well, as said on toptiertactics.com : This isn’t your little brother’s shooter It doesn’t matter if you come from Battlefield, Call of Duty, Crysis, Halo, Team Fortress 2, [insert shooter here], you’ll find Arma 3 to be a very different beast. The focus is on large maps, limited player counts (the average max is about 50), and realistic weapon handli
  9. Hello nN, I played on a few S&D servers and they proposed this plugin for B3 : http://www.xlrstats.com/ It can keep track of your statistics on the server, such as : - Number of Kills, deaths, assists - Ratio - Skill And for server admins, they can access more data. What do you think, and is it possible to implement this in our server structure ?
  10. Panama Papers... tsst tsst tsst

  11. Happy Birthday Tino !! Don't get too drunk ;) But have a good one ! Btw, i found your photo, very sexy ! Cya mate :) <3
  12. RIP Johan Cruyff :(

    1. Bennoo


      OMG! I didn't know... Ajax and Barcelona legend... the inventor of tiki-taka :'(

    2. Puddingsbane


      May he rest in peace. A football legend

  13. Finally !!! Good luck, stay active on the forum ;)
  14. Welcome on the forum :)
  15. Mino


    dat fail eks xD http://image.slidesharecdn.com/netgearroutertechnicalsupportnumber-160102104758/95/netgear-router-technical-support-number-1-877-777-8906-2-638.jpg?cb=1451731857
  16. I ban mad because he is spammer xD
  17. both ;) Tap water or Mineral water ?
  18. Mino


    -3 :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
  19. Mino

    What If??

    I guess I would be living in the Carribean then :p What if they were only days or only nights, but no cycle ?
  20. Mino

    Yes or No ...

    Yes Do you like winter games ?
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