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  1. http://i.imgur.com/hmyBmAw.png Welcome into the team. You can put the nN| tag in front of your nickname. Play fair, be active on our forum and servers. Before continuing, you should read this post : http://noname.zone/i...-b3-cod4-18-id/ and our current Servers's Rules : http://noname.zone/i...serverss-rules/ + our current structure : http://noname.zone/i...ructure-duties/ This topic will help you to navigate on the forum http://noname.zone/i...ers-navigation/ For your information, you are a rookie member during one month and your tutor is @Silverlock During this period, your
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  2. Crossfire has been one of the breeding grounds for hackers, high player count server, lot's of opportunity to ruin someones fun. It can be pretty hard to spot a hacker in the midst of all that chaos and from what I've seen a good amount of players being reported for let's say wallhacks aren't actually hacking. It's the shear frustration of dying over and over again from a spam of lmg wallbanging fire that make these kinds of reports. So I want to share on how I approach the situation when I come online to check the servers: 1. Observation - Sitting in spectators and keeping a keen eye on any
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  3. These weapons do a lot of damage with deep impact on. Full auto G3 or M14 with no recoil will kill anything, deeper and more consistent penetration through walls than other ones. You don't even know how many times have I heard a deagle or M9 sidearm emptying their mags in half a second, or hearing M14 firing at 900rpm. And lo and behold when II came to the person using that crap you find no recoil+full auto and wallhack on, but I'm speaking from my experience and these ones are the most used when I catch someone.
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  4. good pointers pudzy LMG's, G3, M14, AK47, M16, P90, Deagle. im not using any of them anymore, so you want catch me ^^
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  5. Hi there, Find below our standard server rules. Rules are enforced by, but not limited to: in-game screenshots (but may not always serve as permanent proof), chat logs and videos. Best Regards Substanz ######################################### CoD4 RULES ######################################### Rule #0 : No Hack/Cheat/Script/Skins/Scrollfire/Nade Switching/Glitch/Jump (excluding CJ and DR) Rule #1 : No Racism of any kind and No Debate about Religion or Politics Rule #2 : No Abusive/Offensive language or names Rule #3 : No Arguing wit
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