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WkndwarriorX last won the day on February 25 2020

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About WkndwarriorX

  • Birthday 09/05/1964

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  1. Happy Birthday WkndwarriorX!

  2. Player Name : nicosalm Player ID (If known) : Reason: wallhack Date and Time : 3/4/20 4:55 pm est Server Name : crossfire I recorded a player "nicosalm" looked like he was wallhacking to me,,, Eddie wkndWarriorX
  3. Nice to meet you invalid,,, Welcome wkndWarriorX
  4. Hello invalid, I basically record the possible hacker and post it the ban request, its much easier for me ,, I will notice a player after I have been recording, if he/she changes gameplayer then I know for sure they turned off the hack but most times they keep on... By then its to late I've got my evidence...Hope this helps and Good luck Eddie wkndWarriorX (member)
  5. I think i got it straight , i re-edited the post with the correct link,,, sorry for the mess... Eddie wkndWarriorX
  6. Sorry im having issues with uploading video,, can you delete request and i will repost when the video loads to youtube,,, I've done it the same as the others,,, I apologize for this...
  7. Player Name :xM#Cryptiic Player ID (If known) : Reason: Wallhack Date and Time : 2/23/20 11:42 EST Server Name : Crossfire I'm down loading it to youtube, may take some time to upload.. here is the link Eddie wkndWarriorX
  8. Player Name : KILLER Player ID (If known) : Reason: Aimbot Date and Time : 2/3/2020 9 ish EST Server Name : Crossfire Hello Recorded this player "KILLER" Aimboting ,,, im uploading to you tube may be a bit... Thanks Eddie wkndWarriorX
  9. Thanks Everyone, I'm honored at the opportunity, I will try my best and try to follow Silverlock's lead.. Thanks again Eddie
  10. Hello Everyone, Sorry I didn't do this earlier,,,I'm not really good at introductions, i kinda flounder at it but here goes, My name is Eddie aka wkndWarriorX, i'm 55 years young, Family man with a beautiful wife and 2 amazing kids ,,, I enjoy the gaming on your server crossfire HC, because of the player count, the fairness of the admins and seems to be a close knit group of good gamers. I've been a COD player for awhile , I think over 4k hrs last I check with my steam account, I consider myself average but most of all just to have fun. I have talked to some of you either here on the for
  11. Nickname(s) In-game : wkndWarriorX Real name (optional) : Eddie Squires Age :55 Location (country) :USA Steam/Skype/Raptr : (steam) wkndWarriorX Games that you play on : COD 4 Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? : Crossfire TDM HC GUID or STEAM_ID : GUID ?.... (Steam ) wkndWarriorX How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : 2 to 6 hrs a week Why do you want to join us ? : Was asked by Jillyjill ,,if I was interested in joining Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : I believe in fair play hate cheaters/ don't
  12. Player Name : FakiNin Player ID (If known) : Reason: wallhack Date and Time : 01/08/2020 9:00 pm est Server Name : crossfire Looks like a Wallhack ,,, Thanks again Eddie
  13. Player Name : hamzatuning Player ID (If known) : Reason: multihack Date and Time : 1/4/2020 est time 10:30 eastern standard time Server Name : crossfire It looks like aimbot and maybe a wallhack in there...
  14. Player Name : Rashid--Bae Player ID (If known) : Reason: Multihack Date and Time : 12/26/2019 Server Name :9:05 est Give it some time before opening, was in the process of uploading to youtube when this message was sent YouTube video link,,
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