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Posts posted by Evinrude

  1. I used to be a flexographic printing press operator, but for 4 months now I'm at the same company and in the same room even, but not a press operator anymore (only when someone is sick, i have to replace them).


    So currently my job is to handle most of printing ink related stuff, making new tones, keeping track of everything, etc. The actual name for the job is "Printing Ink Preparer".


    An illustrative picture:


    Substanz, MAD eKs, SteveO and 2 others like this
  2. I agree a lot with Substanz here, you made a really good effort with these competitions here!


    I'm not into gaming much at moment, priorities elsewhere, but if these competitions come again someday in the future, mby i can also participate!


    Also, if you decide to make more competitions, let me know, i'd like to put somethin in the prize pool mby. If the proze gets bigger, mby there will more competitors also.

    MAD eKs, Tino and Mino like this
  3. Here is a little introduction to Kill the King (ktk) mod,


    If you have never played the mod, you can find out here, what the mod is about and how the gameplay works, so your first try at it will be much easier. If you have tried to play it, but you did not understand anything, I hope this will help you also. And maybe old ktk gurus can find some good information in here also.


    Ktk mod is full of high speed action, awesome maps and most exiting competitive gameplay. If you try it, odds are you are going to like it.

    Being very good in ktk is rather difficult, you have to know other player's gaming style, know the maps, know the mods, be vary good with crossbow and sniper rifles, use hardpoints, unlockables and perks to your advantage. The more you play, more fun you will have.



    So basically, the name of the mod explains the gameplay. At the start of every round 3 players are chosen randomly: King, Assasin and assasins slave/or dog. Rest of the players are made into King’s guards. So 2 teams are made->


    1)   King and guards(who’s job is to keep the king alive)


    2)   Assasin’s team (Assasin and his slave/dog + killed guards, who turn into assasins)




    Every map has 10 rounds, every round lasts 5 minutes. King’s goal is to survive for that time to win, Assasin’s goal is to kill the king before the time runs out.


    What makes things interesting,  is that when assasin kills a guard, the killed guard will become one of the assasins. So in the round start there are only 2 players on assasin’s team, but everytime a guard is killed by an assasin, new assasin team member is born. But note this - when a guard kills assasin, teams don’t change. But when the King kills one of the assasins, who was previously a guard, the killed assasin will be turned back to guard.


    So the team balance very dependant on the Kings and Assasins ability to kill other players and „recruit“ them on their side.

    Gameplay as King – you start with magnum and a mp44 machine gun. + also you will have 2 claymores. When you manage to kill some assasins, you earn airstrike and mortar strikes. All you have to do, is to survive. If you get stuck with grenade arrow, its basically game over. So don’t.


    Gameplay as guard – You start with a small low damage pistol, but after every kill you make without dying you can press F to get a new more powerful weapon (like gungame!). The last weapon is minigun (deathmachine, known from rotu). This is a very very powerful machine and with 15-10 players on map, I’ve seen people get 250+ kills thanks to minigun.


    Gameplay as the original Assasin –You start with Crossbow and mosin nagant rifle. The crossbow is very accurate weapon with high damage. +if you press 5, the crossbow has 1-3 grenade arrows (not so accurate, as regular arrows tho), that get stuck to anything they hit.



    If you will hit the King with a grenade arrow, he dies and you win. So the grenade arrows are very powerful. If you kill 3 guards without dying, you will get m21 rifle (also applies for all of assasins team), which is very dangerous and can potentially mean you can very easily kill the king or guards. example here:



    Gameplay as slave/dog – each round the original Assasin will have an randomly appointed assistant. A slave or a dog. Which one do you want to be, you can choose in ktk options. If you are slave, you get a different weapon each time you die. Everything is exactly the same as the killed guard assasins, but only difference is, you will not turn back to guard, when killed by King. If you choose to be dog, you can run very fast and use melee attack. Dog then barks and bites. Also, dog cant climb ladders (but this can be cheated with a very simple trick, press B before climbing ladder as dog and voila!). Dog is not a bad option, as many think, cause the dog is very very fast and small, so dog can be very dangerous.


    Bonus weapons and perks – many players don’t know that in the beginning, but there are many ways to get cooler weapons and better abilities in ktk.

    1)   Hardpoint – press esc for menu and open hardpoints options.


    Here you can choose 3 hardpoints that suit you the best at the moment (you can change them any time, some map need different ones to work better) and when you get the needed amount of kills without dying, you recieve the hardpoint you had chosen from here. These bonuses are very cool (you drive around as a little explosive car/attack others with a chopper minigun and you are on the chopper yourself shooting down/ attack with ac130 shooting enemies from a plane with very powerful guns/get nuclear bomb that kills all assasins at once/get a turret gun/get a carepackage delivred/ etc)

    IF YOU DONT CHOOSE THEM, they will not apply themself=you get 3 or 5 or 25 kills in a row, but no bonus for it

    So always make sure, you have hardpoints chosen.


    2)   Unlockables – after prestigeing to level 1, you can open unlockabes.


    Every prestige level gives you +1 point and here you can choose what perks/extra weapons/etc you want to use these points for. This choice can also be changed anytime so try different things.

    Getting new perks with prestige points CAN BE a very big advantage. Guard can for example be given a crossbow in the round start or you can choose to start with a deagle instead of a small pistol. These are very very valuable points and hard to earn.

    Also, most maps have 2 random weapon buying points – a weapon cost is 75 points (10 points are given for every kill) and weapons can be bought by both, guard team and assasin team, although the given weapons are different. You can be unlucky and recieve throwing knives or be lucky, and get nuclear bomb.


    Also, ktk has its own ranks and challenges to achieve!



    PS! At the last minutes, one of King guards will turn into terminator= looks like metal skeleton, but has minigun and more health. This is cool!


    Now, here are some example videos of gameplay from nN minievent @ ktk server 3. Dec. 2015.

    many players were there!


    Here you can see many things mentioned above.






    Thanks to everyone on the video!





    Let me know what you think of this tutorial and what you think is missing from this post.



    Dettie, JJBKILLER, Lucifier and 2 others like this
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