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Posts posted by Tinman

  1. Depends if you want the server to appeal to "pros" (hate that word :3) or the average fun-seeking player. Nuketown SD can be really fun no matter the player count however it can be considered noobie, as the map isn't that big and many "pros" search for SD ideally wanting a 5v5.


    TDM is a bit more lenient in terms of the type of player. Majority of casual gamers will search for TDM and thus wouldn't mind a crowded server, in fact they'd relish it. But the problem with Nuketown is the spawns. They rotate very rarely and are very predictable, leading to possible spawntraps that last the entire match and not a particularly fun experience. I do think the pros outweigh the cons however, and a TDM Nuketown server would do us good!


    All this is simply what I've experienced in the past and is certainly just a generalization. I'm sure whatever you choose to do will turn out successful, if not... we learn from our mistakes and come up with a better plan that suits nN's playerbase!

    Substanz likes this
  2. As the title suggests, the 10th of March is a special day for someone here, and it's up to us to make it even more special!


    Join me in wishing Doge a very Happy Birthday and a day full of presents and memories! Also to thank him for his selfless work on the soon-to-be Deathrun server.


    Hope you recover your inventory from that Brasilian scammer too ;)

    Bennoo, Substanz, Avatar and 1 other like this
  3. My beautiful city is burning down! (burning down, burning down!) Since Friday, a fire so ferocious it is STILL going on today, has been tearing through the mountains surrounding the valley I and many thousands of other people live. The reason I'm telling you this... I got some pics! Oh yeah, when I arrived home today (Monday) and opened my bedroom doors... aha, to say I got a surprise is a fiery understatement ;)


    BUT! I know pics are exciting so calm your dog's titties because... they were taken on my Tablet :/ Ahhhhh, "BORING" you might say? Well, I could say why don't you forget about the pic quality and start thinking about the poor animals that are suffering across a nature reserve spanning 100km!! Or start worrying about the brave firefighters who have been up 4 days straight fighting for me and my family (we can see the lights flashing alongside the steep mountain) 


    Anyhoo, enough waffling... here are some pics I took from my balcony:



    Potential wallpaper, I dunno but it almost reminds me of Battle of Los Angeles :Phttp://gyazo.com/a8373013e6c30d8ff5f38a8328ef13c6










    You can see the Heli with a water bucket, or the proper name "Bambibucket" ^^http://gyazo.com/1bab5a664e42d8d7604c6f25db4c0935.png








    About 5 minutes agohttp://gyazo.com/8c38f744cbfdeb7d6a65cac8671d40a0.png




    In all seriousness, we will be taking part in something known as drop-offs tomorror, where you take some supplies to a local Fire Station to help the resting Firefighters. The least I could do!  :rock:


    Pardon me for this post... bit odd you may be thinking. I couldn't agree more, probably all the fumes gone to my head  :drunk:

  4. Hi unnamed clan/community


    My name is Tinman and may or may not change to the name Timmy so as to "go with the flow" if everyone else decides to change names :D


    I always believe introductions should be the longest thread you ever write on a forum, since it's most people's first impression on you! Staying true to this belief... here it goes



    Although never being a member of AR51 at any stage of its life (it is dead now since what I felt the "heart of AR51" has left), some of you may know me/know of me. I couldn't care since you're about to know me in a few seconds :D 


    I will be honest, I never liked AR51 at all. I did, however, like some of the members. My main reason for trying to make myself known on this website is because all those members I liked... are suddenly all in one place! How convenient xD I think Kevin owes it to all of you guys for keeping AR51 alive for as long as it was, because without you, it would have been nothing less than a selfless "man" and some prepubescent know-it-alls. 


    I entrust that whatever you and Subs decide to make of this, can and will only turn out well and prosperous. It is for this reason, and no doubt that this will end up in an almighty success, that I wish to stay and be apart of it all. I would also of course, like to help in assisting in ANY way possible, be it technical or social disputes. From the tiniest flaw to the greatest banter explosion, I'm there to help.


    Before you think to yourself, "Damn this guy can t..." yes, I know I can talk ;) but at least it isn't all bullsh*t like Kevinos xD


    Hope to get to know each and every one of you and have many happy moments throughout our time here!


    Greatest and kindest of all regards


    Flaccid, Badass, Doge and 1 other like this
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