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Steel Cojones

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Everything posted by Steel Cojones

  1. In the Killhouse, the gateway to another dimension :banana3:

    It was open for 13 minutes :)


  2. In the Killhouse, the gateway to another dimension :banana3:IMG_1935.thumb.JPG.36e361bd0a8d62afa7c62e9922ecf3a5.JPG

  3. JillyJill we have a hacker in Crossfire HC Player Youtube-jOt Multihack

    can u help us

  4. yeah yeah yeah merry Christmas to all of you !
  5. I am a bit shaky at the moment. I´m not doing so well, I´ve worked too much and now i am a little broken . i´ll be home for a few more weeks and then it will be go on ..... Thanks again for your lovely birthday greetings JillyJill were do you get this biscuit
  6. oooohh many thanks, comrades, I've only seen that now ..... sorry! thanks
  7. Muscle inflammation in the back has healed, I'm back!
    1. JillyJill


      Welcome back :)

    2. Substanz


      Welcome back buddy !

    3. Finny


      Welcome back! 

  8. .... no matter as long as there are still Hamburgers

  9. @JillyJill njaaaaaam njaaaaam what a Special Burger !
  10. ..... I already thought "nobody thinks of me"! :smile2:
  11. Ooooh I apologize 1000 times for just seeing this! Thank you for your birthday greetings! You are a great team! Thanks again and everyone stays healthy! yeaaaahhh
  12. Now I'm 50, but in Germany they say: 50 is the new 40 yeaahahahaaaaa

  13. Vaaaa caaaa tiooooon yeahahaaaaa

    1. Substanz


      Enjoy mate ! yaaaaay


    2. Finny


      Enjoy your vacation!

  14. Work another week, then three weeks vacation

  15. Work another week, then three weeks vacation

  16. Happy NNiversary! And greetings to Substanz Godfather of NN Zone! Great troop here, thank you that i may be!
  17. Happy Birthday mate! Stay clean and good luck for the future!
  18. Nickname(s) In-game : SteelCojones and Slappy, Wombat, Walhalla, KungFruit Real name (optional) : Jens (nickname Jenne) Age : 46 Location (country) : Oranienburg (Germany) Steam/Skype/Raptr : Schippe Games that you play on : COD4, Resident Evil Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? : only noname.zone server (almost all maps that are offered) GUID (only last 8-digit) : ec02be7e STEAM_ID : How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : up to 3 hours dayly Why do you want to join us ? : great server. Because it is a neat and great mates! Why should we acc
  19. Hello forum, hello mates now i ghosts already a while here in the forum and on the server around, so i think i introduce myself! Rather late than nothing (we say in Germany)! My name is Jens (my nickname is Jenne), i am 46 years old and i come from Oranienburg (Germany). I am married and have a 16 years old son. My hobbys are cycling, running, real shooting sport (static and IPSC).....and a little bit online gaming Sry for my english, it is not the best, but with 46 years i can still learn more noname.zone i find really good, the members and admins here are really great.......very we
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