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HI guys,

i hope everyone is doing fine.

so we are currently studying c++ basics in university.

today we did a bit of "for loop".

i wrote a multiplication table of 2.




using namespace std;
int main()
int i, b;
cin >> i;
cin >> b;
for (int a =0; a <= b; a++)
cout << i << "*" << a << "=" << i*a << endl;

can anyone write the table of 2 till the value of "b" but with skipping 2 numbers, like below for the multiplication table of "2"
2 one times 2 then, (after skipping 2 numbers) 2 four times 8..
P.S: i know my explanation is the worst. 
Substanz, Ramdallsn and Mrozy like this


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I'm not sure I understand your explanation. You created a program that multiplies the number "i" by consecutive natural numbers from 0 to b.

When I type for variables i=2, b=10 I'm getting: 2*0=0,2*1=2, ... , 2*10=20. What we wanna do is to multiply 2 by successive numbers, omitting 2 multiples every time, so we get: 2*0=0, 2*3=6, 2*6=12, ... , 2*b.



using namespace std;
int b;
cin >> b;
for (int a=0; a <= b; a+=3)
cout << 2 << "*" << a << "=" << 2*a << endl;
return 0;



Substanz and Roohansama like this
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I'm not sure I understand your explanation. You created a program that multiplies the number "i" by consecutive natural numbers from 0 to b.

When I type for variables i=2, b=10 I'm getting: 2*0=0,2*1=2, ... , 2*10=20. What we wanna do is to multiply 2 by successive numbers, omitting 2 multiples every time, so we get: 2*0=0, 2*3=6, 2*6=12, ... , 2*b.




using namespace std;



int b;

cin >> b;

for (int a=0; a <= b; a+=3)


cout << 2 << "*" << a << "=" << 2*a << endl;


return 0;




Thank you mrozy... ^^

i was righting "a++3 " instead of "a+=3" thats all...


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javascript ftw


to use this code, copy it, press ctrl+shift+j,paste it.

love you 


var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
for(let x =0;x<arr.length;x++){
 console.log(arr[x] + " number of humans loves nN and Substanz");}


I dont know whats that ^^,,, i think i dont have the compiler for that ^^


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