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Everything posted by Fallen

  1. http://i61.tinypic.com/2ns1eh5.jpg
  2. According to my doctor I'm still alive ;)

  3. Martin Gore is one of my favorite songwriters esp. DM stuff.
  4. My girls told me that a home without a cat is just a house therefore we had to get one :) My mother is allergic to them and suffers from asthma but still she got two of them.
  5. I have been following Leda's (the guitarist) career for several years and recently he released some new stuff. He's pretty talented young guy, if you're interested to hear some of his older stuff then try for example Deluhi or Undivide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqtA-eHLshM
  6. Meet our new family member. We adopted a six year old chap called Laban with a great personality and he fits very well into our Lunatic Crew.
  7. Test... http://i58.tinypic.com/wkk65z.png
  8. Spring onions, chives, sweet onions and red onions are fine with me. After I have sliced the red onions I usually handle them first with salt and lemon (or lime) and let them alone for about 5-10 mins after that I remove most of the salt and add a pinch of sugar. Much sweeter and better tasting in my opinion.
  9. I know these guys and it took only 24 years to get some new material. Reindeer Metal!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0Hqoi4F0IY
  10. It's in Rally English. This is how Finnish rally drivers communicate in English ;)
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlQFb8wZgZw
  12. Title text is missing <a id='nav_menu_1_trigger' href='http://noname.zone/index.php/topic/4965-noname-cod4-servers/?p=8560' title='' >Servers </a>
  13. Few suggestions for the site visibility for the search engines. 1. This looks pretty bad in my opinion therefore create better meta tag descriptions for the index and rest of the pages (members, videos etc.) <meta property="og:description" content="Free Gaming Community" />2. Create buttons for facebook, twitter and to other places too where we have content outside from these forums? Cheers
  14. Thought of adding a teamspeak viewer on the sidebar?
  15. Played quite alot of them, Unity is still under progress (slowly). I was a big fan of Thief series and AC was nice way to continue in that theme.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRA3VgO3Vz0
  17. Fallen


    Strange things sometimes happen when you have a pencil and an empty paper in front of you.
  18. Yes, their first album is still sooo good
  19. We had little clouds here but we saw it still good. My daughter was in school and I had given her proper glasses so she could watch that with her school friends. When she came home we had a very long discussion about it hahaha
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