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Everything posted by jopaosla

  1. Some words just randomly putting itself in a blank. You can find some meaning in it, if you want it. :smile2:
  2. Alright, got it. Also, i didn't know about that "3 kill" ceremony (even with obvious hackers). Weird, but okay, will do now. :smile2:
  3. Player Name : xXGhostxX Player ID (If known) : - Reason: wallhack Date and Time : today, 8:50 a.m. Server Name : Nuketown Sniper Promod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es80o_dhE74
  4. http://noname.zone/index.php/topic/9340-hello-nn/
  5. Nickname(s) In-game: pony Real name (optional): Vladislav Age : 22 Location (country): Russia Steam/Skype/Raptr: yaneponyesli4to Games that you play on: COD 4 Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ?: nuke sd, crossfire hc GUID or STEAM_ID: it's cracked How many hours do you play on our servers in average ?: maybe an hour or two Why do you want to join us ?: it's always nice to be a part of something big, especially being a part of gaming community. So i think we're all agree that it's not a discussion question. You just like it and having fun with it, i guess that's all we n
  6. i3 seems to be ~10-15% more effective, but not in all of games (i guess, you might need watch some tests of games that you would likely play most, so you can decide which CPU to buy). The MB looks overpriced as for i3 though.
  7. One of my favorite games. I was suprised, that here is topic already exist. You guys should make some server (better with mods, ofc) so we can fight this game together. That game has a huge replayability, we need to pay more attention to it. Sad though, that they decline The Otherworld. Was looking forward to it...
  8. Aight, thank you, sir. Yeah, i've read this. :smile2:
  9. Hi all, my name is Vlad. i'm 22 years old and i'm playing cod 4 since 2010, i believe. I'm a student, getting bachelor at the moment, but basically all what i'm doing it is wasting my life at the PC. So, i've played on nN| Nuketown Sniper Promod server a couple of times today and already met a hacker (was to busy to catch him, i'm sorry ). Now, i don't expect you to accepting me in admin group soon, since i'm very new here and so on, but i hope my ban requests and game activity will help you to find out, that i'm a good person that want to make a better community. Ask me about anything he
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