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Zed last won the day on January 8 2018

Zed had the most liked content!

About Zed

  • Rank
    nN| FTW
  • Birthday 08/11/2004

Profile Information

  • Country
  • Location
    Rawalpind, Pakistan
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Books, Technology, Adventures, Games, COD, Movies.

Contact Methods

  • Steam

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12747 profile views
  1. Happy Birthday Zed!

  2. Happy Birthday Zed!

  3. Happy Birthday Zed!

  4. Future Me: Steam was definitely the best way, just press a button and done!
  5. I would recommend "The Bright Side"
  6. Thanks but I dont use steam. :P
  7. Thanks to everyone who replied and helped me <3 But I have found the program I am looking for thanks to @JillyJill So yeah.
  8. Will try it :D Thanks! I previously used OBS but that's complicated :P And takes Screenshots I love it! Again thank you soo much <3
  9. Screenshot Program please :D
  10. Hello nN! I would like to ask, Is there any great screenshot program that you use? I tried ShareX, It is terrible didn't capture my game or record it. Why I am not using Print Screen because it is a hassle and sometimes I want to take multiple shot. So Kindly leave your suggestion that you have used! I mainly want a screenshot program so I can take screenshot of people abusing :D Thank you. <3
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