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  1. Nickname(s) In-game : yung Real name (optional) : Age : 16 Location (country) : Great Britain Steam/Skype/Raptr : http://steamcommunity.com/id/leanleanwok Games that you play on : COD4, Stick Fight: The Game, Rainbow Six Siege Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? : Nuketown Sniper and sometimes nuketown hc and broadcast 24/7 GUID or STEAM_ID : http://steamcommunity.com/id/leanleanwok How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : Really depends on my mood but always 2+ hours Why do you want to join us ? : Been in the community for sometime now and everyone I have
  2. Player Name : Supreme Player ID (If known) : Reason: Wallhack Date and Time :25/08/17 - 17:40 Server Name :Nuketown 24/7 Sniper Proof: https://streamable.com/ik8zg (sorry about music, a new album dropped and had to listen :fire: )
  3. yung


    Yeah, he's a cheater, I was gonna make a report but Acea said he already made one.
  4. Player Name : WallHacker Player ID (If known) : Reason: Wallhacks Date and Time : 18/08/2017 - around 23:50-00:10 Server Name :24/7 Nuketown SD My proof: https://streamable.com/t547g (for some reason fraps recorded in 30fps so sorry about that) I know its one clip for proof but any other time he was obvious, I wasn't recording.
  5. yooo, my name is Nathan and I'm 16yrs old and currently living in the middle of nowhere in ireland... My hobbies are obviously gaming but also golfing and music production. I am also heavily into politics and love a good debate so if anyone wants to debate, hmu. I mainly play promod and sometimes codjumper.
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