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Posts posted by Puddingsbane

  1. Maybe you have some sort of malicious software in your system. Try scanning it for spyware, adaware, rootkit and other pesky things that do this. And if that doesn't work you can try opening  task manager, find the svchost.exe and open it's location (i think it should be in C:windowssystem32), double click on the app .exe to start the new service and terminate the clone one that is causing you problems.

    killer_4 likes this
  2.  No man, thats "Nananananananananananan BATMAAAAAN".


    You gotta go "NnNnNnNnNnNn"

    Then he goes "Use the secret knock!"

    Then you say "There's no secret knock!"

    He says "Oh, right."


    And bam, you're in.


    You can do Batman with just the N's without the A's :P


    He goes "use the secret knock"

    You "knock knock"

    He "who's there"

    You "me, let me in there is no secret knock"

    He "oh, ok come in"

    Evinrude likes this
  3. I'm at the beginning of my journey into the night photography. There's sooo much to learn :/ the post processing is something new for me and it takes ages to get everything right in these pictures. The only thing I hope that someday I will do it in proper way.


    These pictures have some small adjustments, but I don't like to use saturation etc. what some people use because it loses something.


    Dude, you're a little hard on yourself. There's always room to perfect something but you're nailing every single one of those photos, just awesome work adjustments or not. Pretty impressive skills

    Fallen likes this
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