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Sluffy last won the day on November 20 2015

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About Sluffy

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    Global Elite / Love CS

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  1. dont buy black ops 2 its rubbish on pc, in my opinion i would get mw2/cod5, cod5 has custom zombies maps and mw2 has lots of custom servers.
  2. the aug and the sg and auto are fine really, its just this update that is a disaster.
  3. Nobody really plays 1.6 anymore it's mostly just Russian death match servers
  4. ofcourse its better than the deagle, the revolver can get an ace with 1 bullet, it can 1 shot somebody in the stomach down mid on inferno, its the most over powered rediculous gun that i have ever seen, its a disaster and needs removed asap.
  5. what does the attatched files show, i cant view them.
  6. It sounds like a good idea for the servers, however, there are already tons of 1v1, ffa, surf servers that it would be hard to actually gain a player base on the said servers.
  7. yep, as far as i know, there should be an operation in the next major update, also i hope nuke will get added back to the active map pool
  8. hello, if you want to learn nadespots for your favourite csgo maps, check this guy out. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2BdjE3neOf57xZRRnWgdUg?&ab_channel=Jamiew_-QualityCSGOTutsandVids if you browse about his channel you will find tutorials for smokes, flashes and molotovs in every single active duty map. this is very helpful for players who are new to csgo and want to learn all the nadespots, it greatly helped me when i started and going back to watch his videos now, still give me help!
  9. im not going against you on anything, im simply giving my opinion on it.
  10. yes, but also, switching between cz and five seven without leaving the game can be quite op as they are very situational pistols, i would rather have it, that you need to leave/switch to spectator to change weapon as it keeps it fair.
  11. you could just name the title of the video and name of youtuber and explain what the video has to offer, im sure people can look it up on youtube themselves, i mean all you need to do is type in WarOwl and you will learn how to play cs over time.
  12. i dont think its possible to add a command like that, as far as i know you can just switch to spectator and change weapon, which i think is fair.
  13. yes, i have previously suggested that we add a map voting system, so we can all play maps we love, hopefully it gets added soon! :D
  14. @SmoG as for the float value, that determines the look of the gun, which means if you have something factory new, with a lower float value than another factory new of the same skin, it will look nicer/better/clean. @idoangel i never knew that, hopefully we could get this added.
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