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davecod4 last won the day on May 30 2017

davecod4 had the most liked content!

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  1. I managed to get some money . but i'm still short around 250 euros
  2. Hello to all at nN Some of you know me already and others might not but I was in ar51 just before the split up happened and it was a very dramatic time to join over the years I have never been in a situation like I am currently facing with the wife . Last month my wife went and made a very bad decision costing us ALOT of money and really putting things into the shitter i was fortunate last month to get help from Scott and another member but it was less than needed . although it was a huge help and I am very grateful for the help If anyone here could help me out . one day in the
  3. Player Name :Ali AT Player ID (If known) : Reason:Aimbot Date and Time :07/05/2018 Server Name :nN crossfire https://youtu.be/qHWKqZEwSK0 https://youtu.be/KGYu8ZAI5GU
  4. Hey guys For those who know me BIG HELLO for those who don't im Dave, a former Head admin from AR51 i look forward to killing you all on crossfire :cool2:
  5. Hello all Played on the Rotu server a few times now, and would like to make a suggestion to remove Dogs from the higher waves killing 500 dogs is kinda long and gets abit boring Otherwise server is good and enjoyable :cool2: Keep up the good work
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