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    • By Runny
      Here are some things you may didn't know about fps.
      Influence of FPS on the height of the jump
      63 fps and less - you jump 39.5 units max (except 52 and 55 fps. These results are similiar to 71 fps)
      71 fps. Your character jumps permanently 40 units. 40.5 is impossible on this value,same for 76 fps
      83 90 and 100 fps - 39.5 units again
      111 fps - 40 and 40.5 are easily surmontable
      125 fps - 41 units
      142, 166 and 200 fps - strangely again 39.4 units max.
      250 fps - 42 units !
      333 fps - 46 units !!!
      500 fps - bugged value,your character runs silently and jump 35 units if near the object, 39 if distant from the object.
      1000 fps - almost like 500 fps
      Influence of FPS on the damage of falling
      We've 4 walls of different heights: 140, 200, 300 and 350 units.
      Results: (firstly the fps value, in brackets the wall's height and finally the damage of falling)
      140 units' wall
      71 (140) - 4
      91 (140) - 8
      100 (140) - 6
      110 (140) - 4
      125 (140) - 2
      200 (140) - 6
      250 (140) - 1
      333 (140) - 0
      200 units' wall
      71 (200) - 39
      91 (200) - 44
      100 (200) - 41
      110 (200) - 38
      125 (200) - 35
      200 (200) - 41
      250 (200) - 34
      333 (200) - 22
      300 units' wall
      71 (300) - 96
      91 (300) - dead
      100 (300) - 98
      110 (300) - 94
      125 (300) - 91
      200 (300) - 98
      250 (300) - 88
      333 (300) - 72
      350 units' wall
      71 (350) - dead
      91 (350) - dead
      100 (350) - dead
      110 (350) - dead
      125 (350) - dead
      200 (350) - dead
      250 (350) - dead
      333 (350) - 97
      Ordering FPS from the useful to the useless:
      333, 250, 125, 110, 76, 71 (similiar values: 34,42,52,55), 100 (similiar values: 10,17,20-23,25,36,40,41,50,67 and 200), 15 (similiar values: 24, 31,32,37,38,45,48,63), 59 (weird value), 91,83 (similiar values: 166), 142. 500 FPS is the highest (your character get the biggest damage from falling ).
      Influence of FPS on the silent run's ratio
      Now we want to find a formula which combines ms and fps. For example: we need a script which allows our character to move forward for 30ms, but depending by the fps value he will move to different distances. As well as with 333 fps and 30ms our character moves just for 3 units, with 125 fps he will moves 20 units!
      Here we have the maximum distance you can reach running silently:
      SMG, sniper and shotgun:
      - Moving forward (maximum speed 190 units par second) :
      333 FPS - 80 (79 silent) (264 ms)
      250 FPS - 81 (81 silent) (186 ms)
      200 FPS - 87 (87 silent) (167 ms)
      167 FPS - 70 (70 silent) (107 ms)
      142 FPS - 70 (70 silent) (92 ms)
      125 FPS - 73 (72 silent) (84 ms)
      111 FPS - 66 (65 silent) (68 ms)
      100 FPS - 67 (66 silent) (61 ms)
      90 FPS - 69 (68 silent) (58 ms)
      83 FPS - 63 (62 silent) (48 ms)
      77 FPS - 65 (64 silent) (46 ms)
      71 FPS - 66 (65 silent) (43 ms)
      - Moving right or left (max. 152 units/sec)
      333 FPS - runs silently
      250 FPS - 68 (68 silent) 210 ms
      200 FPS - 68 (68 silent) 171 ms
      167 FPS - 75 (75 silent) 155 ms
      142 FPS - 56 (56 silent) 99 ms
      125 FPS - 58 (57 silent) 91 ms
      111 FPS - 60 (59 silent) 81 ms
      100 FPS - 54 (53 silent) 66 ms
      90 FPS - 54 (53 silent) 60 ms
      83 FPS - 57 (57 silent) 57 ms
      77 FPS - 52 (51 silent) 47 ms
      71 FPS - 52 (51 silent) 46 ms
      - Moving backward (133 units/sec) :
      333 FPS - 50 (49 silent)
      250 FPS - 54 (53 silent)
      200 FPS - 58 (57 silent)
      167 FPS - 46 (45 silent)
      142 FPS - 46 (46 silent)
      125 FPS - 49 (48 silent)
      111 FPS - 44 (43 silent)
      100 FPS - 44 (43 silent)
      90 FPS - 44 (43 silent)
      83 FPS - 42 ( 41 silent)
      77 FPS - 42 ( 41 silent)
      71 FPS - 41 (40 silent)
      Assault rifle:
      - Moving forward (180 units/sec)
      333 FPS - runs silently
      250 FPS - 81 (80 silent) 202 ms
      200 FPS - 84 (83 silent) 171 ms
      167 FPS - 90 (89 silent) 151 ms
      142 FPS - 69 (68 silent) 96 ms
      125 FPS - 73 (72 silent) 88 ms
      111 FPS - 73 (72 silent) 80 ms
      100 FPS - 64 (63 silent) 62 ms
      90 FPS - 68 (67 silent) 60 ms
      83 FPS - 66 (66 silent) 54 ms
      77 FPS - 64 (63 silent) 47 ms
      71 FPS - 63 (62 silent) 44 ms
      - Moving left or right (144 units/sec)
      333 FPS - runs silently
      250 FPS - 65 (64 silent) 212 ms
      200 FPS - 66 (65 silent) 174 ms
      167 FPS - 72 (71 silent) 160 ms
      142 FPS - 56 (55 silent) 106 ms
      125 FPS - 58 (57 silent) 92 ms
      111 FPS - 59 (58 silent) 86 ms
      100 FPS - 61 (60 silent) 80 ms
      90 FPS - 54 (53 silent) 64 ms
      83 FPS - 53 (53 silent) 59 ms
      77 FPS - 54 (53 silent) 55 ms
      71 FPS - 51 (50 silent) 48 ms
      - Moving backward (126 units/sec) :
      333 FPS - 49 (48 silent) 257 ms
      250 FPS - 54 (53 silent) 216 ms
      200 FPS - 55 (54 silent) 175 ms
      167 FPS - 45 (44 silent) 112 ms
      142 FPS - 44 (43 silent) 100 ms
      125 FPS - 46 (45 silent) 87 ms
      111 FPS - 41 (40 silent) 73 ms
      100 FPS - 41 (42 silent) 65 ms
      90 FPS - 43 (42 silent) 62 ms
      83 FPS - 40 (39 silent) 52 ms
      77 FPS - 40 (39 silent) 47 ms
      71 FPS - 41 (40 silent) 46 ms
      Heavy weapons:
      - Moving forward (166 units/sec) :
      333 FPS - runs silently
      250 FPS - 75 (74 silent) 206 ms
      200 FPS - 77 (77 silent) 171 ms
      167 FPS - 84 (83 silent) 154 ms
      142 FPS - 65 (64 silent) 100 ms
      125 FPS - 66 (65 silent) 90 ms
      111 FPS - 70 (70 silent) 85 ms
      100 FPS - 71 (70 silent) 80 ms
      90 FPS - 63 (63 silent) 61 ms
      83 FPS - 63 (63 silent) 58 ms
      77 FPS - 65 (65 silent) 55 ms
      71 FPS - 58 (57 silent) 45 ms
      - Moving left or right (133 units/sec) :
      333 FPS - runs silently
      250 FPS - 64 (63 silent) 218 ms
      200 FPS - 64 (63 silent) 189 ms
      167 FPS - 69 (68 silent) 167 ms
      142 FPS - 71 (70 silent) 147 ms
      125 FPS - 55 (54 silent) 100 ms
      111 FPS - 54 (53 silent) 86 ms
      100 FPS - 55 (54 silent) 83 ms
      90 FPS - 50 (49 silent) 66 ms
      83 FPS - 51 (50 silent) 62 ms
      77 FPS - 51 (50 silent) 58 ms
      71 FPS - 52 (51 silent) 54 ms
      - Moving backward(166 units/sec )
      333 FPS - runs silently
      250 FPS - 51 (50 silent) 225 ms
      200 FPS - 53 (52 silent) 196 ms
      167 FPS - 56 955 silent) 165 ms
      142 FPS - 44 (43 silent) 116 ms
      125 FPS - 44 (43 silent) 95 ms
      111 FPS - 44 (43 silent) 87 ms
      100 FPS - 39 (38 silent) 70 ms
      90 FPS - 41 (40 silent) 65 ms
      83 FPS - 40 (39 silent) 60 ms
      77 FPS - 40 (39 silent) 54 ms
      71 FPS - 38 (37 silent) 48 ms
      It may be complicate to understand. Here's the explanation: 142 fps - 44 (43 silent) 116 - it means that with 142 fps and the value of time based on the 116ms' script your character moves to 43 units without any noise - and makes noise starting from the 44th unit.
      Sometimes (if you're lucky) the 'silent' time is the same as the 'noise' time.
      Doubt remains about 333 FPS: maybe the 'silent' time is higher than the stamina. Except for the assault class, which makes noise if moving backward
    • By Mrozy
      Hello NoName!
      I wrote some tutorial for someone and I decided to share it with you, because it can be good help for someone who completely don't know how to make own skins.
      1. Programs
      If you want to make your own skin, you need to download:
      iwi <--> dds converter  (http://tom-crowley.co.uk/downloads) Image editor with Direct Draw Sufrace (.dds) support I was using a lot of programs and I think 3 of them are the best:
      Photoshop  (https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html?promoid=KLXLS) Gimp + dds plugin  (https://www.gimp.org/downloads)  +  (http://registry.gimp.org/node/70) Paint.net  (http://www.getpaint.net/download.html) Gimp and paint are very good to start. Easy interface and a lot of tutorials in internet.
      Photoshop is good for advance editing.
      2. How to edit
      I will show you how to edit using ak47u weapon.
      1st you have to get proper image.
      You can download it from my center (all files are converted to .dds)  -  http://deathrun.byethost32.com/skins
      Or find it in:
      cod4mainiw_02.iwdcod4mainiw_04.iwd  Most stock weapons are named "weapon_[name]_col.iwi" and "mtl_weapon_[name]_col.iwi".
      Different with custom weapons. For these weapons you have to find a file, which you want to edit.
      So, our aku skin is called "weapon_ak47u_col.iwi".
      It hasn't editable image yet. You need to convert it to .dds filetype. Excract iwi <--> dds converter and simple drag your iwi file on converter icon.
      When you open it, you will see something like this:
      This is 2d texture for aku model. As you see there is magazine, back, front, side of our weapon. Now you can edit it to whatever you want. If you don't know how to use tools in your program, find some tutorial on web.
      If you like your work, then save it as .dds file with these settings (be sure you removed all mipmaps from file, or you will get error):
      - Compression:
        - DXT1 (for no transparent image)
        - DXT5 (for transparent image)
      - Generate mipmaps - enabled

      I think that's all you should know about editing. Hope you like my tutorial and happy editing!
    • By Fives
      If you're having problems with lag in game and it's not your interent then type these in by opening console:
      /r_drawSun "0"
      /r_drawDecals "0"
      /r_rendererPreference "0"
      /r_aaAlpha "0"
      /r_detail "0"
      /r_picmip "3"
      /r_picmip_manual "1"
      /r_picmip_bump "3"
      /r_picmip_spec "3"
      /r_distortion "0"
      /r_dlightlimit "0"
      /r_fastskin "1"
      /r_ignorehwgamma "1"
      /r_ingamevideo "0"
      /r_mutliGPU "1"
      /r_outdoor "1"
      /r_texFilterAnisoMax "1"
      /r_texFilterMipMode "3"
      /r_zFeather "0"
      /cg_brass "0"
      /cg_blood "0"
      /cg_marks_ents_player_only "1"
      /fx_marks "0"
      /fx_marks_ents "0"
      /fx_marks_smodels "0"
      /sm_enable "0"
      With these commands there is no need to use fullbright in normal gameplay yet again if you prefer fullbright then use it rather than this.
      Note: Gameplay won't be great but you will need to get used to it.
    • By Fives
      How to enable console
      For most clients, the console is diabled from gaming. All you have to do is go to "Options" - "Multiplayer Options" and change the "Enable Console" to "yes".
      Then, at any time, you can just hit on the ~ key to open console or shift + ~ to open the full console, it really has no difference also make sure when typing something in consol type / before anything else
      Clients Commands
      The commands below helped me a lot here :
      /com_maxfps 125
      This is REALLY important cuz the higher the fps is, the more smoother it is in game
      /cg_fov 80
      Field of view (fov) is basicily how wide you see. The higher it is, the wider you will see. It is a huge advantage for people didn't use this. However, this will make everything, your enemy, bombs, and other stuff look smaller. So still, careful with it.The defult was 60 and the max is 80, it's up to you really.
      /r_drawdecals 1
      1 is on, 0 is off. It will clean up the random trashes, papers, ashes and those stuff in the map, it will bring you a fps boost! However, some servers want you have bad fps so it will be turned off when you enter those servers.
      /maxpackets 100
      This is for people who have good fps but bad hit registrations. Defult is 30, and you should increase it to 100 if your fps is 125.
      /snaps 30
      This command tells the game how many time it update the position of a player, bullets, ect per sec. Defult is 20, 30 will make game smoother.
      /r_drawsun 0
      Turn off those stupid effects to save few fps for you. 1 is on, 0 is off.
      /cg_brass 0
      Turn off shell ejection. Not have to render them would save you a few fps. 1 is on, 0 is off.
      How to bind a key
      /bind [key] say [what you want]
      Open consol and type
      /bind F1 say I'm to pro for you
      Now when you press F1 it will automaticaly say:
      I'm to pro for you
      And more binds not just this
      Color codes
      Different Colors:
      ^0 = Black
      ^1 = Red/Orange
      ^2 = Lime Green
      ^3 = Yellow
      ^4 = Navy Blue
      ^5 = Light Blue
      ^6 = Purple
      ^7 = White/Default
      ^8 = Gray
      ^9 = Gray/Map Default
      /bind [key] say ^3hello
      Now when you hit your chosen key it will say.
    • By Mrozy
      Hello everyone
      I created a simple tool, which changes cod4 language. The Pack contains: english, french, german(unavailable atm), italian, polish, russian, spanish and chinese.
      Full version (~443MB)  -  Patch the entire multiplayer  -  https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gv8e1cvbx9fqy7/LanguagePack.zip?dl=1
      Lite version (~8MB)  -  Patch almost everything (more details in spoiler)  -  https://www.dropbox.com/s/th5fpqu4p5bpuxl/LanguagePack%20%28Lite%29.zip?dl=1
      How to use it?:
      Extract LanguagePack folder to CoD4 root directory Launch install.bat  (inside LanguagePack) Type language you want to change Done You can change the language infinitely many times.
      If you want to restore your original files simple launch uninstall.bat
      I will create better installer in the future. I don't have time to do it at the moment :/
      Anyway, enjoy
      All files comes from original source. They are not modified.
      Details about missing text in Lite version
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