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Small OBS STUDIO recording tutorial

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Decided to make a quick and simple obs studios recording tutorial:




for more questions just ask. i use obs every single day to record and streeam and whatnot so i can ask pretty much any question, i also use teamviewer to give out extra help if theres an issue with your software.


heres a download link to the obs studio (wich is the version you should use) 



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  • 5 years later...

Sure thing! Here's a brief OBS Studio recording tutorial:

1. **Setup**: Install OBS Studio. Open it and go to "Settings."

2. **Video Settings**: Under "Video," set your desired output resolution and FPS.

3. **Audio Settings**: Under "Audio," select your preferred microphone and audio settings.

4. **Sources**: Click the "+" icon in "Sources," choose "Display Capture" for screen recording, or "Video Capture Device" for a webcam.

5. **Recording**: Click "Start Recording" or "Start Streaming" if you're live streaming.

6. **Finish**: Click "Stop Recording" when done. Find your recording in the file path set in "Output" settings.

Remember to test settings before recording!

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