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Everything posted by xXiLLuZiOnZz

  1. Thank you all for the wishes. I appreciate it very much. :P Love you people to death <3 <3
  2. Lanc...If you are using Photoshop CS6 you can set the text to "Screen" or "Overlay" mode to make the lightning strike visible through the text :P But I am in love with your pictures. Looks really great. Keep up the good work :P
  3. Nickname(s) In-game : xXiLLuZiOnZz Real name (optional) : Juan-Jacques Joubert Age : 20 Location (country) : South Africa Xfire/Steam/Skype : I do not have any of these. Games that you play on : Call of Duty 4 modern Warfare Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : nN| CRK Promod SD Nuketown Only GUID (only last 8-digit) : I tried using the /pb_myguid command but nothing happened. How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : 20 - 30 minutes (Recently started playing Promod). Why do you want to join us ? : I don't want to be just part of a clan, but rather
  4. How do you mean my intervention? lol.
  5. Why not add the automatic pistol from MW2 or Black Ops?
  6. I like this girl...Will she like me back as much as I like her? Long distance relationships > Do they work? I'm clueless !

    1. PiNK


      Long distance can be difficult but I'm happy with mine. Going almost on 1 year.

    2. xXiLLuZiOnZz


      Congratz PiNK. ! I'm really happy for you :P


    3. MUCK


      Ive been in an online relationship for 10 months now and soon we will meet :) If your as committed and as "in love" as she is, then it could work :) Hope it does for u :) It can and does get hard sometimes tho. Especially if there is no immediate way of connecting with her when you may need her most. Stay loyal and honest to her. I wouldn't recommend having anyone else on the side. Just my thoughts :) hope it works out for you two :)

  7. Guys...Perhaps I might be able to help you. I can add many camo's to any weapon (quite easy) and I might be able to add a laser sight to the desert eagle. I have never tried it but I shall try and let ya'll know :) Anyways...Just tell me if I should add textures to the weapon skins and what colours ! PM me about it please
  8. Let me start. You are not a very nice, but i like you a lot because you are good promod player, but not hacker. i can kill only myself in a deathrun match
  9. Awww I love it. Especially the music LoLoLoLoL :P :P :P
  10. Yeahh that's the only downsize. Very small video through :P
  11. Just a random flash video I found today. Hope you guys like !! :P :P Click play :P :P http://farm.stickpage.com/drunkenstick.swf
  12. Heyy Kevinos It's me SeNsA--IreapZz also known as xReDiCuLeZz :P Nice to see you again mate. Hope all is well ?
  13. I forgot to give the download link. The above image is 465 x 465. The following has the correct sizes and everything http://www.mediafire.com/download/uem1c9e05wytgyv/Project.jpg
  14. Here is my very first edit. It ain't much but I hope you guys like it :P Took me about 15 minutes on Photoshop (which is free !!) Wish I could've made a better one. http://picpaste.com/thumbs/Project-KP8JJEt9.1433616592.jpg
  15. I can do it though...Will upload my image tonighy or tomorrow but the main menu screen isn't exactly 1024 by 1024 as the iwi file gets stretched when used ingame :P
  16. What kind of mod is it? And what type of images would you like? For example...Troll faces, Call of Duty Weapons Images or gameplay images et cetera?
  17. Glad you liked it and there's no need to thank me.... :P It's all a great and big pleasure. Just want to help you guys out with as much as possible. :P :D
  18. Yes I can...Handbrake is a very useful program to compress large video files. I can even upload the video on Mediafire and send you the link. I once made my very own After Effects CS6 intro video and the video was 3.32 Gigabytes and the program compressed it to 34 Megabyte without any quality loss...Amazing right? :P
  19. No haha there's no connection whatsoever. It's just a video I made because I cannot record gameplay. Just a random virdeo I made for noname to see. Don't know why I put the "Tribute to noname" in beginning but My next video will be about noName. But this video has no connection to noName whatsoever. :P :D
  20. Hello Everyone Today we have a tutorial HOW TO MAKE VIDEO SIZE VERY SMALL WITHOUT LOSING ANY QUALITY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63kZFEo2Q9M I tried my best to explain. Download link is in the video description. THUMBS UP FOR MY BACKGROUND :P
  21. There are many...One is named AcogIV, there is one called Draw IMP and the other was just random montage footage I found on Youtube. I think there's a clip of IreapZz too I dunno.
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