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Everything posted by Dettie

  1. Sorry but i can't read this / understand, maybe an admin who knows this language?
  2. http://www.gifbin.com/bin/1237977458_thumbsup-terminator.gif
  3. 279.22 Released - 20 March, 2018 TLC PASS 2 Dino TLC - The Argentavis Receives a model update, animation update, texture update, and some new abilities: Can carry two creatures C - grabs/releases creatures with beak Right Click - grabs/releases creatures with claws Health regen buff from consuming corpses Saddle acts as a mobile crafting station Dino TLC - The Parasaur Receives a sound tweak and some new abilities: Alarm mode: Can be put in turret mode and check for nearby threats Notifies you audibly and visually when threats are present Scare small creatures: C when ridden
  4. Congrats Voodoo, have a happy one
  5. lolz https://www.facebook.com/seen.everything/videos/1507083336062865/
  6. Very nice tribute to the original song for people who doesn't know original one
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2Wwt6a5zjw
  8. 278.73 Released - 14 March, 2018 Fixed bug that prevented tribe renaming Separated C4 into their own structure limit category with a limit of 150 per 50m Plugged various holes used to undermesh in The Center, The Island, and Aberration (server side only for now) Fixed Therizino and Moschops cloning exploit
  9. 278.64 Released - 7 March, 2018 Disabled placement of structures when recently stuck in geometry (addresses known undermesh exploits) Fix climbing off of a ladder into geometry (including barriers) temporarily (addresses known undermesh exploits) Prevented closing glider for a brief period after opening (prevents accidental closure when spamming to open) Lower glider cooldown to 3s 278.66 Released - 8 March, 2018 Remove unsupported dinos from Official Aberration servers Prevents crossark transfers of "foreign" dino eggs (if prevented by server config) going forward Edit
  10. 278.54 Released - 27 February, 2018 Fixed an exploit that allowed players to get through the map/mesh Fixed issue where a second instance of certain boss fights could be started while someone was already inside Reworked extinction mode save nuking to kill subfolders as well Increased plantx projectile damage by 2.5x Projectiles do 3x damage to durability of chest pieces while a glider is attached Added logic to translate damage from player to their glider Added 10s cooldown between glides Lowered glide speed by 40%
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