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Everything posted by Evinrude

  1. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/54/543421f56ba45d12f7d2261877409e59195b49ec43a8633575efc39383f4595a.jpg
  2. No Prejudice here.. Since I'm pretty much inactive myself due to scholl stuffs, I have not met him ingame and relied on his own claim "i have not played in your servers... yet" If he is active, it is very pleasant to hear. He is almost my neighbour, u know :P Enjoy our servers m8!
  3. OMG Human->meat->food? What are you guys eating?? For the game: Turtles
  4. http://www.50-best.com/images/happy_birthday_memes/stay_gangster.jpg
  5. Well, if you want to be a member here, it would be a good start to play in our servers. Just sayin'... But welcome.
  6. Pretty much inactive, cause schoolwork aint gonna do itself. Beback soon.

    1. LanCesteR


      Make us proud! wanna see the best bachelor thesis ever :D

    2. Evinrude
  7. Dat dettie, finally here. Where the hell were you for so long..
  8. Another DR legend is here. Glad to hear from you, You are most welcome here ^^
  9. Welcome, you were the deathrun pro? :P
  10. Welcome Juan, we have met in game before :D Nice to finally see you here with your introduction. Feel free to look around this forum, enjoy our servers and take part in the daily life of this community. I hope you will enjoy this experience. All the best, Evinrude.
  11. design http://www.tuvie.com/wp-content/uploads/audi-a9-design-concept.jpg
  12. cinematography http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjIyNTQ5NjQ1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODg1MDU4OA@@._V1_SX214_AL_.jpg
  13. whip http://www.leatherbrothers.com/images/WHIP.jpg
  14. violence http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/a9e/incoming/article906334.ece/ALTERNATES/w620/web-hells-angels.jpg
  15. wings http://www.thedrum.com/uploads/news/tmp/980/redbullmetaphor.jpg
  16. motocross ( hope adding illustrations is ok?) http://www.mx-academy.ae/tl_files/Bilder/Academy.ae/Bilder%20AE/Motocross/Motocross%20riding%20Dubai.jpg
  17. outboard http://www.outboardmotoroilblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/9.9-Evinrude1.jpg
  18. Nick: Jambezzi Server: All maps Time: 14.30 utc +2, 10.05.2015 Reason: I started recording with suspected wh. First kills are very very wh. But then, sometimes, he did not saw people or perhaps he noted that a person with clan tag went into spectator. Idk. I recorded then for quite some time, and I'm not sure about wh. Some kills are wierd, some are not. Sometimes he kills one person and then magically knows, there is another one very close and hidden and waits. + A lot of very accurate hip fire. Last kill on video looked very wierd to me, as far as some sort of aim assist might be involved
  19. Evinrude

    nN| Targets

    Rotu is very popular and its very nice. Imho DR would be even more popular (good deathrun servers have players almost 24/7) so this should be the TARGET here. If I can help in any way, pls let me know. Currently working with finishing school, but i can always spare a few minutes for a good cause.
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