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Everything posted by Evinrude

  1. http://cdn.gagbay.com/2014/10/well_i_was_told_to_write_happy_birthday_in_french-507969.jpg
  2. Something random from my work http://s22.postimg.org/84jo8plsx/IMG_20151002_095218684.jpg
  3. Many congratulations Risky!!!! May gods be in your favour!
  4. wow, very nice! I'm impressed! http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/280436/resized_borat-approves-meme-generator-borat-approves-nice-6ff9e9.jpg
  5. I live and I learn. Lets keep banning him then. ty.
  6. Server: Killhouse date and time: 4.08.2015 20.45 utc+2 Nick: mosf Reason: No Recoil! Mby mh. Proof: https://youtu.be/IFOaHaeZLdA Recorded by me, discovered by riskyboi, therefore the ban request. Also, he left before i could ban him.
  7. Video is so dark... But also good proof that deathrun can be an artform. Slow clap for you, master of virtual movement.
  8. Well look, its not an UFO, but its an UFIE (Unknown Flying Internet Explorer!) A very rare species these days, well caught!
  9. Mighty nice view you have from your place, awesome pictures!
  10. Congrats bro! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ1oXk2OGwU
  11. Happy birthday Floki! Here's a friend of yours, who also likes your birthday!
  12. http://www.aviscritique.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/6a00c22525.jpg
  13. http://www.50-best.com/images/happy_birthday_memes/thumbs/1-7.jpg HAPPY HAPPY birthday!!!!!!
  14. Summer is finally here, turn em subwoofers on!
  15. http://img-comment-lol.9cache.com/media/7d734b86141682342690498321_700wa_0.gif Never seen pants like this before? Whats up with that? Somekind of special purpose pants?
  16. Happy Birthday Zoom!!! Here's a picture of zooming in on zoom on his birthday. He was zoomed well! http://rs1img.memecdn.com/zoom-fail_o_248570.jpg
  17. 1. dont love someone to death. love them til death. :P 2. I recommend you write your tesxt so people can actually read it. colors... eh, mby. but alignment? why u do tis? http://s3.postimg.org/mul6w3ucj/whydothis.jpg 3. reason for ban from ar51 are very importnant. not shareing them with us will probably mean you get a lot of no's in member vote.
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