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filtrated bread

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Profile Information

  • Country
    United States
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  • Interests
    Dancing! and also show spinning martial weapons(too many to list), competitive gaming, Computers, history, tech

Contact Methods

  • Steam
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Gaming Preferences

  • Favorite genres
    Open World
    Story Rich
  • Favorite games
    Cod4, Verdun, Hearts of iron 4, ( Also, my own? )

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Gaming History

My gaming history started back when I was five on a 1985 Gameboy.
 Being in my 30's now makes this a very long list.
So I'll just mention systems I've sat down and played for now, Atari, 1985 Gameboy, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Gameboy Color, N64, Gameboy Advanced SD, Game Cube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Xbox360, Xbox1, PC... I'm not counting systems I've only briefly played.

Also, have been playing in Competitive Game teams since my mid-teens starting on cod2, moved over to cod4, then cod waw, and currently verdun.
At the moment I'm usually a substitute player if I can help it, as I'm trying to retire from competitive gaming, to focus more on other life goals.

Currently developing a game in the unity engine, am an alpha play tester for ww1 games series, Mod dev on Nexusmods for M&B.

And my greatest gaming story isn't any matches I've actually been in, but rather having a squeaky hyperactive adult voice- leading to a angsty teen on game voice chat say to me, "Shutup kid! I'm your dad!",
a funny thing considering I'm over 31 at the time and many, if not most, of my classmates from primary education, now have kids these days!

( Not me though, autism scares off all the girls I'd like to know more deeply, and I'm not interested in the slightly hollow attention received from dance/entertainment stuff )

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