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Posts posted by TracKz

  1. hey guys,



    (Sorry that I am posting so much suggestion posts, I have just to much ideas :D)


    So I really want to play alot on the nN servers but there are only people online on Cross and Killhouse. (Sometimes Nuketown nad FFA sniper)


    And I thought why do we have lots of servers but nobody is playing on it?


    Why don't we just make room for new Gamemodes alot of people play instead the servers that are only busy on events?


    Like Hide and seek it's a really cool gamemode but nobody plays it.


    Or HC domination seems a normal gamemode but nobody is really into domination there more into promod SnD and TDM.


    I don't want to get all servers deleted but I understand that you just can't buy lots of cod 4 servers seems to me really expensive.


    Or advertise somewhere so more people see like hey that's a cool server let's hop on there and then he calls his friends and then they stay forever on these servers.


    It's just a suggestion but hope you guys understand :).



    - TracKz

    Runny likes this
  2. Hey guys,


    So recently I played some promod snd servers on Nuketown. And that is really fun.


    So why not making a nN| Promod SnD Nuketown Sniper server?


    We can have so much fun with the team into this gamemode.


    And also add finalkillcam feauture for some great moments.


    Maybe with some custom sniper nN skins, and if you guys want faster sniper zoom in. Instead of the normal time to zoom in.


    This could be a really good server.



    - TracKz

    Walter, Runny and Substanz like this
  3. What I would like to see is:


    Red Alert 1/2/Yuri's Revenge

    Future Cop

    System Shock 1/2 (first one is getting remastered and SS 3 is in the works so hype)

    TES Morrowind/Oblivion

    Dungeon Keeper 1/2

    CoD 1/United Offensive/2

    Rogue Trooper (word is it's getting a remaster)

    Thief original series

    Vampire The Masquereade series

    Age Of Mythology

    Rise Of Nations

    Max Payne

    Star Wars KotOR

    Metal Fatigue

    Black & White 1/2.......

    Rise of the Nation The most played game ever had so much fun in it and it's a great strategy game wish multiplayer was still alive :(

  4. Hi there,


    I have some suggestions for the Modded Nuketown server.


    - More weapons from Call Of Duty Black Ops II

    - More and better killstreaks for the highest killstreak

    - New gamemodes like Domination

    - A way to vote for new gamemodes

    - UAV and other scorestreaks are really slow to call them please fix that

    - And maybe one more map like rust

    - fix some glitches like sentry stuck or uav isn't calling in

    - ......


    If you have more suggestions please leave them down below



    - TracKz

    Substanz and JillyJill like this
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