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Everything posted by TracKz

  1. Yeah that's also what i mean with like advertising or something to find new people!
  2. I know we all hate Infinite Warfare including me I have it on ps4 and it's garbage! But why don't we do a event on Infinite warfare? Just for one time fun I know we all gonna love it :D
  3. hey guys, (Sorry that I am posting so much suggestion posts, I have just to much ideas :D) So I really want to play alot on the nN servers but there are only people online on Cross and Killhouse. (Sometimes Nuketown nad FFA sniper) And I thought why do we have lots of servers but nobody is playing on it? Why don't we just make room for new Gamemodes alot of people play instead the servers that are only busy on events? Like Hide and seek it's a really cool gamemode but nobody plays it. Or HC domination seems a normal gamemode but nobody is really into domination there more into pr
  4. Hey guys, So recently I played some promod snd servers on Nuketown. And that is really fun. So why not making a nN| Promod SnD Nuketown Sniper server? We can have so much fun with the team into this gamemode. And also add finalkillcam feauture for some great moments. Maybe with some custom sniper nN skins, and if you guys want faster sniper zoom in. Instead of the normal time to zoom in. This could be a really good server. - TracKz
  5. The new chronicles zombie remastered map pack looks sick. Tomorrow final exam and then I m gonna play it!

    1. Runny


      its looks dope indeed

  6. Hey guys, As Runny suggested killcams I came to the idea why not adding Final killcam? If you don't want to add it to crossfire then why not for Nuketown? It can show nice moments. - TracKz
  7. Should I post a topic for the download links?
  8. Hey guys, Why are we not gonna play Age of empire or Rise of The Nation for a event ones. Me personally I really like these games alot! - TracKz
  9. Still hoping WWII wont kill cod more.......

    1. Runny


      Cod is officialy dead after cod4 rmw. I doubt Activison understands the way fans think.

      After playing cod2 for over 5 years im waiting for Battalion1944 which is made by people who played cod2 on their own and Medal of Honour. Activsion ded for me </3

    2. Puddingsbane


      You can't kill CoD's single player campaign. Every single CoD game is nailing it, but you can butcher the multiplayer plus a huge chunk of CoD MP community is comparable to LOL's. I never lookad at CoD as a MP game, SP is where it shines.

    3. Runny


      yeah its true but the goal of a game is to be successfull both in MP and SP. Unfortunately Cod failed to be succesfull to MP over the last titles.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. Rise of the Nation The most played game ever had so much fun in it and it's a great strategy game wish multiplayer was still alive :(
  11. Definitley they have to remaster Black ops 1 one of the best call of duty in my opinion out there!
  12. Hi there, I have some suggestions for the Modded Nuketown server. - More weapons from Call Of Duty Black Ops II - More and better killstreaks for the highest killstreak - New gamemodes like Domination - A way to vote for new gamemodes - UAV and other scorestreaks are really slow to call them please fix that - And maybe one more map like rust - fix some glitches like sentry stuck or uav isn't calling in - ...... If you have more suggestions please leave them down below - TracKz
  13. I have stats but I mostly play on servers with custom Level so I probally made more kills then they show on my stats.
  14. Hi, My name is TracKz I'm a 16 year-old-boy from The Netherlands. I love playing games especially Call Of Duty I'm a fan of Hardcore Gamemodes like TDm and DM. I can also quickscope and play alot of deathrun servers. -TracKz
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