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Everything posted by Puddingsbane

  1. Ja zabrio Horror Bishke Masovna Sarana po thumbnailu XD
  2. The game will have no single player campaign, and instead of that battle royal mode. I'll take a hard pass on this one.
  3. Just in time before the new expansion Warmind hits, Destiny 2 is only 12$ on Humble Store as a part of Humble Montly subscription. If you subscribe for it you will get the key for free and you can cancel your subscription at any time you want and all the keys will stay in your inventory if you cancel. So you will pay only 12$ for the game which is a mighty good deal if you ask me and a mighty good deal for what's to come in the game itself. So if you are interested and have 12$ to spare get it here https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly Pudding awaits you if you do ;)
  4. Temple Of Elemental Evil
  5. I actually had to look this one up lol, it's tormented fathers so S i last one. Syberia
  6. one of the best game compositions I've ever heard
  7. You (or as you claim your brother) were banned by Jilly so wait for her to post the proof and make a decision what to do about it.
  8. Welcome back, hope you stay green this time.
  9. Start backing up your files and start saving for a new hard drive, because since your previous post this happened. I would say that his life span is very short by now.
  10. Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
  11. Let's start this one again :) Emperor: Battle For Dune
  12. Now this one caught my eye. I love that cyber punk, futuristic rpg feel. Plus has co-op which is amazing
  13. Good luck with your app man.
  14. Banned. Thanks for the report mate
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