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Everything posted by Evinrude

  1. Very very very rarely......I blow the dust off my subwoofers. And remind highschool, parties, etc..
  2. http://www.troll.me/images/borat43656/is-your-birthday-happy-times-high-five.jpg Happy birthday Tino!
  3. Best of luck with your application,Rat Zorglub.
  4. Well, if this clan is for you then best of luck with your application! Join our discussions on forum and enjoy gameplay in our servers, CSBSFranjo.
  5. Take actively part of discussions in forum and enjoy our servers :) Best of luck with your application, Front.
  6. Best of luck with your application, ChrolloLucilfer.
  7. First I would like to apologize for being so late with this ban request. I recorded it, when our site was down and couldn't reach any admin with this.. and now i remebered this. Player Name :cheburecPlayer ID (If known) : I have no ideaReason: wallhack ( Last kill of the video is super super obvious + the kill at 0:35)Date and Time : 25.03.2015 17.55 ( utc +2)Server Name : Unfortunately I can not remember anymore, was it broadcast only or all maps server. I am very sorry, it was a week ago. VIdeo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vywQLzFlsYM Evinrude
  8. Bloody hell, damn clouds ruined everything in Estonia. I could not see a damn thing and i am quite pissed about that. Doesn't happen every other friday, you know..
  9. Damn it, it starts soon and didnt think of the watching bit.. One possibility is breaking a floppy disk (no one has them anymore) and using the disk part to watch. Welding shield is also ok. I'm going to improvise somehow.
  10. Wait and bleed was their first song I heard. Still love it so bad ^^ and a video to keep from OT I recommend actually listening to lyrics :D
  11. Why do want a deagle? Its so heavy and clumsy. Take a small 22 cal pistol with silencer instead ^^ For sport, of course. For personal protection, a higher caliber would be better.
  12. I disagree, but I will not argue here. But gun fanaticism I understand. If i'll make some new knives, I'll surely post them,
  13. Bloody hell, why the need for so many guns? :O :O You can only use one at a time... If you are a collector, then its a different story of course. But still, the sheer amount of firepower is very big in this case. I would not want you to be my neighbour. I dont own any guns myself, there is no need for them in here. But my dad has few hunting rifles and i've shot them a bit. Not a big fan of firearms, they are way too primitive and loud for my taste. But knives I like. I have a few different ones and I also make some from tim to time.
  14. Sounds.. like something you need to listen in a language, you actually can understand :D preferrably at a rock festival, after 5-10 beers :D Since we dont want offtopic, here's this gem:
  15. Cant bloody wait the summer already. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1NK1YS5SsQ
  16. Going on my playlist. With Metallica, Foo fighters, Disturbed etc.. so compliment your friends, their sound IS good.
  17. LOL, dude, srry. I was being ironic with this "kevin" thing. I'm not kevin myself and this is not the right place for your introduction at all. Srry, if I was unclear with 1st post.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4K6ZxDwi34
  19. This does not happen so very often so those who can, enjoy the show: http://img-9gag-ftw.9cache.com/photo/aVWYXEP_460s.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_March_20,_2015
  20. Imma overdo it and post 2. Hate it or thank me later.
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