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Everything posted by KoDaK

  1. KoDaK


    Thank you kindly. Yes pretty much since release, and when I play nowadays I mostly do so on promod servers. But the time when I played more "serious" was during the PAM days. My deagle is kinda random tbh. Sometimes it's really fast, sometimes my finger 'jams'. I think the recording might make my deagle shots appear faster than they really are (similar to killcam discrepancies), because I'm experiencing them to be less fast than on that video.
  2. KoDaK


    Hello, I've played the mentioned 5.22, 5.30 and 5.36 frame by frame and made some screenshots: For 5.22 a gun barrel was sticking out of the hut: https://imgur.com/a/NU3Qjgy . Normally that black bar isn't there. For 5.30 a dark silhouette can be seen at that edge, it's also a common spot to snipe from (I use it often as well): https://imgur.com/a/2SsxgL3 if you play the video frame by frame you can see it move. For 5:36 a head was sticking out: https://imgur.com/a/aguOChB taken before and after screens, before has head next to crosshair after shows the wall without someone behind it. Th
  3. KoDaK


    Your GUID : no idea how to find, usual /pb_list stuff doesn't work Nickname when you were banned : KoDaK Admin who banned you : Drugged Unicorn (I think) Why you were banned : assumed WH Why you think this ban should be lifted : No idea why I suddenly got banned, been on this server from time to time for some years now. Only used the $fps command for full-bright as it's enabled by the server. Here is an album of in-game images (including mid-match and the match before the ban) and the ban ID at the end: https://imgur.com/a/0bFnk9E Thanks for your time.
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