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Everything posted by AeroPuma

  1. So last time admins pointed out my bad behaviour in chat, which I don't deny. Today I said "gg niggas" without meaning harm to anyone but Noobytodaddy (idk his name exactly) warned me, fair enough. Then i asked him if we're allowed to say nibbas and he kicked me for "no racism, or involvement of religion or politics". Excuse me but how am I being racist by asking a simple question??? I don't understand how people (and noobythedaddy) consider a simple harmless question as racist and offensive? People should really grow some skin. Please explain why it's worth a kick. PS: I just found out it
  2. My suggestion as the title says, add killcams to Crossfire HC. It would be great if you could add that so cheaters can be caught even quicker.
  3. Fair enough. You can lock this topic.
  4. Well I forgot to mention them alongside other things like grenade launcher aswell... but martydom was my main concern. i checked out the other server but it's empty all the time, leaving me no other choice than playing on HC
  5. Thanks for the quick reply. I have no idea what you mean with "10 connections" as I only play from 1 PC... about the penalty's, I didn't mean to harm anyone but when you get killed all the time by martydom it just frustrates me. Anyways thanks for the other server link, ima try it out. EDIT: I tried it out but I can't see any players on it, is there an issue with it or do people just prefer the other server... Btw i just found out i'm banned until tuesday... is it possible to remove the ban?
  6. Hello, i'm new here and i like this server. However there are a few things that have bugged me alot. First of all, why the heck is martydom allowed? It doesn't make any sense and it's the lamest thing ever. Second of all, helicopter off??? What on earth is going on here? Anyways if those things could be changed i think it would make everyone happy. Thanks.
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