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Posts posted by sXIrishThuG

  1. Hey Gang..

       i have  a question,awhile back i mentioned to an nN admin(cant remember who) about why my airtikes never kill anyone,he asked me what do i mean?..i told him even after i refresh AS map,ill drop a strike on a whole group and only kill 1 or 2...ever since ive been playing on your server i have noticed this, he then replied that certain admins have the power to weaken AS on players individually and im just asking if this is true? and if it is..please lighten mine up..i WANT TO THUG!!!..thanks gang...cya on the field


  2. Hi Gang!! you guys have great servers and they are always populated with for the most part,good decent players who enjoy this game..even tho all perks are allowed,Subz (Bossman) disabled the heli perk,which is kinda the right to do given being in a HC server..how does it sound to have maybe the Predator perk allowed? since like me,im always kinda cheated out of my airstrike due to the heli being disabled..what do you think Subz?..is this something that you would consider and besides..itll prolly spicen up the server more..lol  ty for taking the time about this suggestion..take care all and Cya on the battlefields!!....Dave

    QuickBreakdown likes this
  3. oh god no...its absurd to change the thermal paste like that,studies show about every 2 years is good enough depending the usage of the pc..they say if u can touch it and it feels hot,then it should be changed...every 2 monthsisawaste

  4. hey everyone!! as we all know we can make objects on the map move to make it look more realistic,some times you have to go into your profiles,then into the config_mp.cfg to find the dynent_active which when at default the number is 0,you have to change the number to 1 then save then all objects will move..i have done that and its still not working..i am stumped and am wondering if there are maybe other copies on my HD somewhere...ive looked and cant seem to locate it...any ideas?

    Mrozy likes this
  5. hi kids...just wanted to do a quick intro..My name is Dave im from Ohio usa...I know some of you in this clan from when i was an Admin in the old AR51 clan inwhich Subz was a part of...i dont know the whole story on why the clan fell apart but heard some conflicting stories,i was with them for several years towards the end of its lifespan and couldnt have been more proud than with the guys from that time..the [sX} clan was formed from the old vets from the AR51 clan when it fell apart or i can say..taken over..ive been playing COD since it came out in 2007 but i enjoy playing the Battlefield games as well,as some of you guys and gals  know,im always helping the clan out by reporting hackers and so forth,i have prolly banned at least well over a thousand with video proof..lol..its just the way i am and its how i roll..ive ALWAYS believed in honest gameplay and always strive to help making the servers more enjoyable to play and to relax and have fun...ever since i had my accident last April i have been spending more time on the servers and getting to meet new people :0)  as always its a pleasure being a guest on your servers and am looking forward to meeting more of you guys on the fields...Take care everyone and Happy Fragging!!   Dave

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