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Everything posted by TrinTY

  1. Player Name :chupa Player ID (If known) : Reason:Language/Respect Date and Time :2018/25/08 3:32 PM Server Name :Sniper promod Nuketown
  2. Hello I am Jeremy 16 I am from Germany I had played this game 5 years ago I played deathrun but then I had 2 years break I installed it again and here I am can not say much about myself but I help where I can help I am happy to have met this server, I often play Deathrun or Sniper only server but others sometimes do it, I hope that I will join you soon Best regards, TrinTy (Jeremy)...
  3. Nickname(s) In-game :TrinTy Real name (optional) :Jeremy Age :16 Location (country) :Germany Steam/Skype/Raptr :lovelaz_trinty Games that you play on :Call of Duty 4 Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? :Sniper only Nuketown GUID or STEAM_ID :lovelaz_trinty How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? :idk 1-2 months Why do you want to join us ? :I like nN i want to join long time but i wait for more play hours on the server Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : Have not got such a talent but I try to make an effort to
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