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Everything posted by WhiskeyCH6

  1. I got a recorder for the future but can another admin check the file out?
  2. Player Name :Trojan Player ID (If known) :Not known Reason:wh Date and Time :5/20/2018 12:10AM Server Name :nN Killhouse 24/7 I know demos are not allowed but I don't have a youtube video.I didn't have a recording program and i didn't want to let a hacker walk.All you should need to ban a player is proof or am i wrong? https://www.dropbox.com/s/b76z31nqrce1o6a/demo0012.dm_1?dl=0
  3. So you won't buy it,right?Well,that's a good move.But i'm a loyal fan so I'm going to buy it.
  4. Well,Black Ops 4 has been revealed.What do you think about Treyarch's focus on multiplayer and zombies and the skipping of the campaign and the Battle Royale entry in Call of Duty? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooyjaVdt-jA
  5. I already have filled most of them.I've not been for 7 days in the forums though and haven't made 5 posts.I'm always active except when i'm out of the house.
  6. Nickname(s) In-game :WhiskeyCH6 Real name (optional) :Jim Age :17 Location (country) :Greece Steam/Skype/Raptr :whiskeych6 Games that you play on :Call of Duty 4,Grand Theft Auto V and Black Ops IIII when it comes out. Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? :nN Crossfire and nN Killhouse GUID or STEAM_ID :whiskeych6 How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? :5-7 hours.More when i finish school. Why do you want to join us ? :Because i've been playing in your servers for a long time and i want to be part of the community. Why should we accept you/ What can you bri
  7. Well,Treyarch has never disappoint so we'll have to wait and see.Treyarch is making a game set in modern times
  8. So Black Ops 4's trailer is coming May 12th and is releasing on October 12th.So what are your thoughts?Do you think it will be a good game?A bad game?Are you going to buy it? Also Battlefield is coming late 2018.Are you going to buy that?
  9. Player Name :SaiF_Vir Player ID (If known) :Not known Reason:Aimbot Date and Time :4/12/2018 4:00am Server Name :nN Crossfire 24/7 I didn't get a video :hmm:
  10. Hello This is WhiskeyCH6 and this is my introduction.I'm a 17 year old boy from Greece that loves playing video games,GTA 5 and CoD 4 in particular,as well as listening to music and watching movies.I started playing at the age of 12,i think,when my father brought me GTA San Andreas.Then my uncle and one of our friends,played Call of Duty 4 for the first time on the ps3 and i fell in love with the game.Few days later,i got it on my hands, and i played it like hell.I took a 2-3 year break for CoD 4 but now i'm back and ready to kick some ass.Hope to see you in game.IF you want to know anything
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