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Everything posted by Joker7

  1. Thanks so much! Hopefully it's fixed soon :)
  2. I won't be on for a while and I'm afraid that that will decrease the chances of me being able to join nN. My laptop has broken down and it's going to take a while for it to be fixed so until then, I can't come on. I can't use a different device as not only will my GUID be different, but my stats will be reset. < In addition, I have a brother that plays on that device so it will duplicate the his stats so that it'll look like I just changed my name and he might get warned or even a worse consequence for posing as a different user. I hope that this won't effect any chances of becoming a user
  3. Why thanks! Your a great player, make sure to stay active so that we can play together.
  4. Good luck, I can't wait to work with you (if I get accepted). Did you do your intro?
  5. Listen and be in awe! I am the great, invincible pirate! The "Legendary Buggy"! You've probably guessed that I'm a big fan of Buggy the Clown, but that is what I want you to think. I'm not a fan of Buggy, nor do I despise him. he makes me laugh so, I mean, why not? Okay, less about buggy, more about me. I'm not one of those people that are constantly indoors, ordering pizza and playing video games, I'm a outdoors type of guy. I find indoors filled with depression and loneliness but when i'm outside, I'm in a whole new world. The smell of fresh air and the sun shining as I enjoy the great life
  6. Thank you everyone, you guys are the best! thanks for your support :)
  7. Nickname(s) In-game : Joker Real name (optional) : Age : 15 Location (country) : UK Steam/Skype/Raptr : theJKswagg Games that you play on : COD4 PC Which cod4 server(s) are you playing on ? : nN 1.3 GUID (only last 8-digit) : ab0998b6 How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : I usually play throughout the day, I'm probably on about 40% of the time a day. Why do you want to join us ? : Well, I love the creativity of the name and I'm friendly, I don't demand but I ask. My name gets out there quite a lot and a lot of people in this server like me and I like them back
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