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Everything posted by BlazedReality

  1. I had it. also had steam guard but too they hacked dont know how
  2. My steam Account Got Hacked !! Cant Recover that Account back. Sadly I lost all my game progresses. It was limited account tho
  3. there is a zero tick farm near Spawn which is unhealthy for server performance. Cords are Xx yy zz -126 65 342 please delete that farm coz that farms r not allowed on our server if I am not Wrong
  4. Welcome to the forums! Good Luck with ur application. Hopefully U get accepted
  5. Player Name :Shami_Hunjra Player ID (If known) :*** Reason:Abusive Chat and bad behavior Date and Time : 10-April-2020 21:00-22:00 IST Server Name : n|N Minecraft 1.15.2
  6. Good luck with ur application !! hope u will get selected too.
  7. Fix it as soon as possible coz we cant even kill zombies. it takes around 20-25 hits with diamond sword. its hard to survive at night times as its nearly impossible to kill them
  8. as the server is stable now how about disabling the plugin. Coz plugin was added due to TPS drops. Now that TPS is fixed try removing plugin and checking the server Performance for 2 days?
  9. After Update of our server Mob stacking was added to server to retain server performance. But with that Plugin there comes new issues and bugs to the server. 1. Some of the mobs aren't stacking. 2. Also our enchants on swords aren't working on any mobs either its hostile or passive 3. our gold farm isn't working due to 'Zombie Pigman' stacking 4. with this update the merged zombies i.e Zombies x64 are literally the worst nightmares they r immortal as we cant deal any damage to them. Some Suggeted Fixes :- 1. Either disable the Plugin as the server is stable now.
  10. When i logged in today on our MC server, I found that there was a dirt wall around the server spawn. Also there was something weird thing going from yesterday on with the server TPS. Its under 15 TPS and sometimes its below 10 TPS. Also the increase in player traffic on server shows the necessity of active admins on server. (https://discordapp.com/channels/326705819137867777/656857758313742387/694121745191272510 pics for the tps readings ) Please Fix as soon as possible ThankYou
  11. Can someone suggest me a good CPU cooler for core i9- 9900k . I currently have no idea what to go with !!. edit: Radiator size is 120mm x 3
  12. This is me BlazedReality, I am verry polite and generous guy. I like to play Minecraft also i play CSGO a lot. I am bad at introducing myself. its my short introduction.. :drink1:
  13. Nickname(s) In-game :BlazedReality Real name (optional) :Shridhar Age :20 Location (country) : India Steam/Skype/Raptr : (Steam) BlazedReality Games that you play on : Minecraft Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? : NoName Minecraft 1.15.2 GUID or STEAM_ID : http://steamcommunity.com/id/BlazedReality/e How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : 15 to 20 hours a week Why do you want to join us ? : Minecraft server needs help. I might try to help! (QBD suggested) Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : Your minecraft s
  14. TNT explosions are disabled in our server . We are unable to use TNT powered Farms. Please fix it as soon as possible!!!!!!
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