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Posts posted by Costic

  1. I remember those kills clear as day and 100% that smoke was not blocking my vision and yet yours was. Maybe demo or different graphic settings or spectator bug. I'm snapping to people which I don't do if I am in smoke I normally spray a area where there is a high chance someone is. This is evidently seen if you watch the multiple hours I have played in the server. 



    These are my graphic settings https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/419860578891333663/419890539341807617/unknown.png?width=978&height=276


    also texture are on ultra ultra ultra , 250fps 144 hz monitor , gtx 1070


     Using qlimaxzU's config - http://www.gamingcfg.com/cfg/qLimAxzU

  2. Your GUID : 2310346614253338550

    Nickname when you were banned : Costic
    Admin who banned you : 13 or Teddy 
    Why you were banned : Wallhack
    Why you think this ban should be lifted : I was not cheating but I understand that most people think I do. If it matters i have played this game competitive a large portion of my life. Playing in every league from TWL, ESL , and Cevo. My guess is over 7000 hours. I enjoy the server in my free time while i'm afk in black desert online, so I would appreciate it if I was unbanned. Its also one of the only really populated servers still left so that gives it a appeal. Oh and probably the most important reason is there is no cheaters! In promod pubs left its literally a cheating fiesta of aimbotters or closeted cheaters.

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