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Posts posted by spongebob

  1. That's exactly why there are rules, you do not have to express your rage and childish behaviour against the other players....keep for yourself. If you don't understand that, you do not match what we expect from our members and you should get out fast. Do you think that cheating is our only reason of refusal? I don't thinkk so...

    Exactly ..no cheating reason for refusal . real reason is rage
  2. 7 years ago.....We've always denied some people because a cheater stays a cheater.



    Moreover, I just took a lookk at your chatlogs/penalties : 




    You got warned 2 times for language on 27/12 and 29/12. It wouldn't be a good problem if you wouldn't have been banned for 3 months before : 





    I would have banned you for another 3 months without a single warning.....

    and acea this warnings not for cheats ..
  3. 7 years ago.....We've always denied some people because a cheater stays a cheater.



    Moreover, I just took a lookk at your chatlogs/penalties : 




    You got warned 2 times for lan

    7 years ago.....We've always denied some people because a cheater stays a cheater.



    Moreover, I just took a lookk at your chatlogs/penalties : 




    You got warned 2 times for language on 27/12 and 29/12. It wouldn't be a good problem if you wouldn't have been banned for 3 months before : 





    I would have banned you for another 3 months without a single warning.....

    guage on 27/12 and 29/12. It wouldn't be a good problem if you wouldn't have been banned for 3 months before : 





    I would have banned you for another 3 months without a single warning.....


    dont trust Finny his angry for that this warning XD Hey finny you have a record for this warnings?


  4. Nickname(s) In-game :`spongePRObob
    Real name (optional) :Dimitar

    Age :41

    Location (country) : Bulgaria

    Steam/Skype/Raptr :reborn393


    Games that you play on :COD4 ALL COD

    Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? :All servers more kilhouse

    GUID (only last 8-digit) :
    STEAM_ID :

    How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? :meyby 1000 +


    Why do you want to join us ? :becouse servers hardcore.difrent mods .niketown <3 and funny people 

    Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? :im a pro <3

    Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : no i don remember

    Adittional info :i pres caps in game becouse me RUN = CAPS and press non stop..shift =KNIFE

    MAD eKs, Runny and Riskyboi like this
  5. Your GUID :47def14c

    Nickname when you were banned :/disconnect
    Admin who banned you :Substanz, Finny, Puddingsbane
    Why you were banned :cfor WH .all respown in kilhouse is have logic..... one left respown one right respown one left one right....

    Why you think this ban should be lifted :im never use hacks...only glitch but in difrents map 


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