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Minecraft Server Staff Application

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Nickname(s) In-game : Nightshxde

Real name (optional) : Preeti

Age : 23

Location (country) : India

Steam/Skype/Raptr : Don't have any. my discord is Nightshxde#6404


Games that you play on : Minecraft

Which nN| server(s) are you playing on ? : Minecraft

GUID or STEAM_ID : n.a.

How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? : Almost 7-8 hours a day considering quarantine. may decrease to about 3-4 after.


Why do you want to join us ? : I feel like a lot of users are really lost when they first join and I often help them out. Given a little more resources, I can help make sure they stay on the server and bring their friends

Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? : I'm a designer and can help with any design work as and when I'm available. Apart from this I'm really friendly and can easily befriend and calm people having issues on the server. I'm also currently helping build /spawn and have some great ideas for the server going forward.

Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? : No.

Adittional info :

Substanz and Badass like this


☆ She lives in a fairytale, somewhere too far for us to find ☆

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looks like you are having a positive aroma, everyone praising you ^_^.


Good luck and stay active & positive



would love to see you active in the shout box and forums more often ^_^


That’s so nice to hear, you made my day! I shall surely participate more. I really hope I get to know you guys better during this time!


Thank you so much <3

JillyJill likes this


☆ She lives in a fairytale, somewhere too far for us to find ☆

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Welcome into the team. You can put the nN| tag in front of your nickname.
Play fair, be active on our forum and servers.
Before continuing, you should read these posts :
our current Servers's Rules : http://noname.zone/i...serverss-rules/
+ our current structure : http://noname.zone/i...ructure-duties/


This topic will help you to navigate on the forum http://noname.zone/i...ers-navigation/
For your information, you are a rookie member during one month and your tutor is @stelthii
During this period, your tutor will show you all what you need to know about our community, and will check all your actions.
Your acceptation will be final after this test period under the responsibility of your tutor.
If you have any questions, the leading staff will be proud to answer you.
Best Regards

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