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Posts posted by Dexter

  1. Don't know if this is done allready, but in the old days I would go to lan parties and play with many people organised games. So fi for COD4 we could have saterday night events or whatever time fot specific servers to join. Crossfire is still busy server, but the others less, so mb we could even in the server name include specific game times. 

    I would like to play other maps than crossfire again, hope you all do

    Teddy and JillyJill like this
  2. Hello everyone!

    I'm Dexter, formerly Blade and Raptor, but I won't change my name again, I think :)

    I play COD4 for many years and also tried other games, but COD4 gives me the most pleasure. Even some experience with my own COD4 on linux server for LAN parties

    Nowadays I play on mp_crossfire on daily base and see all dudes and mates that share the same pasion


    Roohansama, Substanz and JillyJill like this
  3. Nickname(s) In-game :Dexter, Blade, Raptor
    Real name (optional) :Michael
    Age :45
    Location (country) :Netherlands
    Steam ID : 
    Discord ID : Dexter999#9277
    Games that you play on :COD4 only
    Which nN server(s) are you playing on ? :nN| Crossfire TDM HC
    How many hours do you play on our servers in average ? :1 hour a day
    Why do you want to join us ? :I play on your server for many years and want to get involved in the community
    Why should we accept you/ What can you bring us / Which is your personal talent ? :I'm an IT professional and like to participate in your community
    Have you been in another clan before ? Which one(s)? :no
    Adittional info :

    JillyJill, Substanz, Blitz and 1 other like this
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