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Hi there, Find below our standard server rules. Rules are enforced by, but not limited to: in-game screenshots (but may not always serve as permanent proof), chat logs and videos. Best Regards Substanz ######################################### CoD4 RULES ######################################### Rule #0 : No Hack/Cheat/Script/Skins/Scrollfire/Nade Switching/Glitch/Jump (excluding CJ and DR) Rule #1 : No Racism of any kind and No Debate about Religion or Politics Rule #2 : No Abusive/Offensive language or names Rule #3 : No Arguing wit41 likes
The guidelines to be accepted : - You must be at least 14 years old to be recruited as a member. - You must have more than 7 days of presence on our forum and show us your real desire to be part of our family. - You should write at least 1 post on our forum. It will allow us to better know you. Please do not spam our forum with useless posts, (you won't become a member faster), try to make a contribute to the discussion. - You must not have broken any Server/Forum rules. We expect people who represent us right. - You should introduce yourself in Introductions37 likes
################################### Scale of Punishment ################################### Rule #0: Hacking/Cheating = Permban Rule #0: Glitching/Jumping/Script/NS/Skins/Scrollfire = Warn > Kick > Tempban 1d > Tempban 7d > Tempban 3m Rules #1, 2 = Warn > Kick > Tempban 1d > Tempban 7d > Tempban 3m Rules #3, 4 = Warn > Kick > Tempban 1d > Tempban 7d Rules #5, 7 = Warn > Kick > Tempban 1-24h Rule #6 = Warn > Kick > Tempban 7d > Tempban 3m Ban Evading = Original Ban > Permban h28 likes
Welcome !
Scrappydoo and 22 others liked a topic by Substanz
Hi there, Welcome to our forum ! What's going on here : - Exchanges and discussions on broad topics. - Mutual assistance for the good of all and not for the interest of one - Sharing videos, photos, music, etc. (free but moderated) - Playing best flash/arcade/video games for free - Be a part of a gaming community All this in respect of each. Hope you will spend some good times among us. Kind Regards23 likes -
Greetings everyone! Today is a special day for nN: our Crossfire HC took the 1st rank among all Call of Duty 4 servers. Let's keep this place and populate other servers! nN has to be on top ^^ nN| FTW21 likes
Greetings everyone! Today is a very special day: we're celebrating our 3rd anNiversary It's been a long road full of events, but even more adventures are coming in the future Thank you all for your presence and involvement. With our dedication the House of Love will grow and prosper for eternity With many excitement we congratulate everyone with this significant moment: those who were here since the start and friends who joined the journey later This is our day! With much love we say: Happy Birthday, noName!20 likes
Hi there, It's with a lot of emotions and pride that i wish you an happy 1 year birthday :nn1: Indeed, it makes one year now that we started all together a new adventure. I won't be able, for the rest of my life, to forget your massive support that i received the February 23th 2015 (by more than 80 people). Since this date, we all worked together to build a new community (The House of Love ^^) and create servers where to play. Our road is still long and we have to continue our efforts to conquer the world, and makes nN| unavoidable. For now, I deeply express my gratitude to you20 likes
Hi there, First of all, i would like to thank you for all the support, you gave us, since our beginning. Second, here you'll find where we are going : Servers to come soon : - CoD² Rifles Only - Promod All Maps - DR 1.3 - HnS + KTK - CS-GO To reach these targets easliy, we need to increase our activity : - Play all together on same server, will help us to develop our reputation/frequentation - Continue our efforts to develop our forum, and make it the most attractive possible (form/content) - Be engine (actor) in the suggestions / proposals and their achievements - Spon19 likes
Hi there, After a long period of indecision, it's time for us to wear our team name and to embrace our nature : I am nN|, and i've no Name. Now, make the world aware of our volition !!! One world, one name ! nN| ♥♥♥ "natura Nostra" Quote My family is my everything, and together we are the One. We are the noName ! Long Life to our new community ! Best Regards nN| Substanz19 likes
nN| New Rookie Admins lvl 40
The Legend and 17 others liked a topic by Substanz
Hi there, The nN| Leading Staff is proud to announce you that : @JillyJill, @Evinrude, @Dettie, , @NinjaFish, @DarkBlackOMG, @MUCK & @LanCesteR are promoted Rookie Admins lvl40. For their formation, each of them will have a dedicated tutor, to follow their work and give them the right instructions : = @Evinrude @VooDoo = @LanCesteR @Badass = @DarkBlackOMG + @MUCK @desert = @NinjaFish @Substanz = @JillyJill + @Dettie + Join me to wish them good luck for their new duties and their career. I will send a global pm to all of you, for giving you, thes basis of what we expect from o18 likes -
nN| Minecraft Vanilla
DantheMan27 and 17 others liked a topic by QuickBreakdown
Hello players, We're proud to once again revive our Minecraft server. Some extra measures have been put in place against griefers. For serious players this is great news: you no longer need special builder access - just join and start exploring/building! Is it cracked? Yes. What are the anti-griefing measures? It's simple. Once you start playing, you are given a wooden shovel and a stick. You are also given 750 so called claim blocks to start out with. These are used for protecting your precious areas. Ran out of claim blocks? No wo18 likes -
Hi there, I'm proud to announce you that , @Acea, @Dettie, @Flurry and @MasterYI are now Head Admins lvl80. Join me to wish them welcome within the nN| Leading Staff and good luck for their career. I want personaly to thank them for their unwavering loyalty and for their contribution and activity among us since ages. This decision is the second step of our deployment. Each of them will have a special and dedicated mission for allowing us to implement our development. Welcome my Lords ! Best Regards Substanz FTW Ps : the opportunities are still numerous and real, more we'll grow up, more r18 likes
Hello, noName, We are glad to announce the opening of new Award System, which is available for all nN| members. How it works? There are 33 achievements in total. To get one of them, you have to complete some task. You can find awards list and stats in the top menu http://noname.zone/index.php/jawards/ When you perform a task, one of administrators will attach to you this achievement. You can find all unlocked awards on your profile and see others. With this system we can get new awards with pleasure and also see everyone’s activity. Best regards nN| FTW :nnftw:17 likes
ok buddies, first of all i want to thank you all for all your support after this sad conclusion within ar51. As you are numerous to want to build something new, i'm your man. Let's get started All your suggestions are welcome, all together we will be strong.17 likes
**april fools** noName Closing
Blitz and 15 others liked a topic by QuickBreakdown
ha, got em april fools.16 likes -
CoD4 1.8 - QBFP v2.1.0
Lucifier and 15 others liked a topic by QuickBreakdown
Hello players, admins, We have listened to your feedback and have released a new QBFP (QB-FairPlay) version. For those that don't know, this is a plugin written by me that encompasses things like anti-team nade, generic tweaks, etc. In this version, we are bringing you the following: Players: $fov command for changing fov scale (1.0 - 1.125 - 1.25) (!fov will tell you to use this command)$fps command for toggling fullbright (!fps will tell you to use this command)Admins: $msg : invisible, in-game admin-only chat for yellow (= lvl 60) and above $scr : invisible, in-game player screenshot c16 likes -
So yeah... Couple of you might actually remember me. Arek from Poland. Old (but not like actually old. Just old :p) admin who had to sort things out and now can get back to enjoy this game one more time ^^ For couple days i was wondering if new Scoobs had the possibility to be compared to the old one. Especially after broken finger, which might be a big problem in fps games... ._. But after some time on sniper only and deathrun servers i think i might be around for some more fun ^^ If anyone would like to get his ass kicked in deathrun or sniper only, Im up for some challenge ^^ So16 likes
You have some trouble if you accuse people in insulting when they don't, and not for the first time by the way. Here are the chatlogs of Pao: 3599532 ALL ^3NO ^4NO ^2NO^1!! Sun, 10/06/18 (10:48) 3599528 ALL ut alking not me Sun, 10/06/18 (10:47) 3599521 ALL nah Sun, 10/06/18 (10:47) 3599517 ALL i dont play 1v1 Sun, 10/06/18 (10:47) 3599513 ALL xd Sun, 10/06/18 (10:46) 3599502 ALL just stick to deathrun Sun, 10/06/18 (10:46) 3599500 ALL xd Sun, 10/06/18 (10:46) 3599497 ALL yes Sun, 10/06/18 (10:46) 3599485 ALL hahahah Sun, 10/06/18 (10:45) 3599473 ALL ^3NO ^4NO ^2NO^1!! Sun, 10/06/18 (10:43)15 likes
Hi there, We're glad to announce you the birth of a new nN| ARK server : Mod pack subscription: https://steamcommuni.../?id=2368384012 Hope you like it and will come build our tribe there ! Enjoy ! Best regards Substanz15 likes
Hey guys!! After a long time of absence and inactivity, I have finally emerged xD I basically finished building my pc :) Worked on first try and it took me 3 hours to build! I have pictures and specs etc posted on my pc part picker account, and it got some nice feedback tbh. If anyone interesting in checking my setup pics: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/b/TLCypgI bought BF1 so far, looking into Overwatch and CoD remastered too :) It's still a busy month of work but boxing day is over finally. A little more time now :D15 likes
Hi there, Time for me to wish you a Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year 2016. Hope that all your dreams will become true and that 2016 will bring you all, what you deeply expect. Wish you, happiness, love, health and prosperity for you and your relatives http://www.eurodouane.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Beautiful-Merry-Christmas.jpeg http://bestsharez.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Happy-new-year-wallpapers-2016-17.jpg Love you all ! nN| FTW15 likes
Hello NoName I would like announce the Deathrun 1.3 is opened! http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Hope you like it and enjoy new NoName server Features: Player Menu New Fit Quick Menu Vip System and Vip Menu Special Rounds New appearance of The Menu New appearance of The Scoreboard New appearance of The Best Scores Fixed Best Time Record New Loading Screen Custom Characters Custom Weapons 60 levels Ghost Run Tomahawk There is a lot of new smaller improvements, which I can't mention right now :) Also I want improve our dea15 likes
:garland: :garland: :v2: nN| Leading Staff wishes you all a Merry Christmas! Let fulfill your house of happiness, love and prosperity Have a great time with your family and friends And may your dreams become true! :garland: :garland: P.S : With all my Love ♥, for these awesome and unconditionnals years passed with you all, and many others to come @Substanz14 likes
This is my biggest finished project to date. I have worked on this for weeks and weeks, countless hours have been put into recording the footage and editing. I present to you: COD4 DEATHRUN - BHOPS AND BOUNCES. I'm not the kind of person to ask for likes and such but, I'd highly appreciate it if you would leave a like on the video itself. Thanks - DUbs14 likes
Despite being extremely busy, I've been playing this game with @DUbs since December. Putting my old CoD4 skills to use... Some of my best highlights ever in this one. I enjoyed editing it too. Didn't take long. I prefer the minimailistic style. Nothing fancy. It's a shame the quality came out so poor. You should see the rendered mp4 file... Crystal clear. I have also gathered enough clips to make another two videos. Thankyou for watching. Expect more from us in the future!14 likes
Happy 3rd anNiversary I'm really proud to be a part of this great adventure with you all ♥ On road to many others challenges and gaming times. noName, after 3 years, in few numbers : - 28 nations represented - 751 forum users - 78 members - Top 2 CoD4 teams - Top 3 CoD4 servers - Team World Rank 55th out of 135462 on Gametracker - Deployed on 9 games - Over 300000+ players played on our servers I wish us the best for our following. Thx to all for your involvment into this great story and to provide us everyday your unconditional support since our birth. Much love ♥14 likes
Hi there, The nN| Leading Staff is proud to announce you that @Pepe, @stelthii, @Puddingsbane @Thelegend27 and are promoted as Rookie Admins lvl40. For their formation, each of them will have a dedicated tutor, to follow their work and give them the right instructions : @Substanz = @Puddingsbane, @JillyJill = @stelthii @QuickBreakdown = @Pepe @Dettie = @Thelegend27 Join us to wish them good luck for their new duties and their career. You will receive a global pm for giving you thes basis of what we expect from our new rookies. Best Regards, nN| Leading Staff14 likes
Lel, Hitler gets kicked from nN, hope you enjoy! Also, sorry about my previous post, the footage I used was from a very famous anime so I wasn't really surprised that it was copyright ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klOiVtB0Rt8 -By Joker714 likes
Happy Birthday NoName!
xPinkPanTher and 12 others liked a topic by Doge
Today marks 4 years since the creation of our team! I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone here for your efforts on our servers and forum. I wish you all the best, here's to many more years! Happy nN|anniversary!13 likes -
https://youtu.be/4gtowOJ-9o8 Players present: @Substanz @JillyJill @QuickBreakdown @Walter @Nomad (only Spectating) aka 13 @TheRauXx John_Doe_3 Decided to make separate thread for this. Will be making new videos every week! My first game video, don't be strict here;) Would be glad to hear your suggestions.13 likes
Hi there, We're glad to announce you the birth of 3 new nN| Team Fortress 2 servers : Hope you like them and will play numerous there ! Feel free to let us suggestions about mods or what could make your TF2 experience better Enjoy ! Best regards Substanz P.S : This game is free, you can get it here : https://store.steampowered.com/app/440/Team_Fortress_2/13 likes
CoD4 1.8 - Spawn Protection
Supra. and 12 others liked a topic by QuickBreakdown
Hey Players, Due to the high amount of kicks, bans, warnings and drama the past month, we've implemented a spawn protection on the Crossfire server. 5 seconds of spawn protectionMoving a certain distance or shooting disables this protectionAs always, we will continue to improve your experience on our servers. nN | Staff13 likes -
Hey there, I was thinking about posting some pictures of the places we live in. As we have a lot of nations represented in nN, it would be great to discover and share them together. So let's start ! I'm living in Strasbourg on the east of france, near Germany. STRASBOURG - FRANCE "La Petite France" "The covered bridges" "European Parliament" "The Kleber place" Strasbourg's old town roofs13 likes
Congratulations with your special day, @Substanz ♥ Wish you to have many smiles, nice surprises, enjoyable moments and a lot of happiness And more than that, to let all of your wishes come true Enjoy this amazing day and all wonderful things that life will bring to you Much love my King!13 likes
Beating Infinity Ward
Puddingsbane and 12 others liked a topic by Doge
So I beat IW's time on the cargoship mockup from the FNG campaign mission. Managed a 14.15. Thought I would upload it - with my own little twist of course^^ I managed to mess up the render, so it ended up being in 720p @ 30fps like my Deathrun 2014 video... Should be 1080 @ 60 but ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks for watching.13 likes -
New CS:GO Server on the way!
Azeri and 12 others liked a topic by DarkBlackOMG
As you saw at the tittle i'm working on a new CS:GO Server. At the moment i'm working on it and i hope that soon we can open it. Till i end it i will post my progress here and i will open a poll about what type of server you prefer. You can post your suggestions here, they will be very apreciated. Progress (I'm working on it since yesterday so pls :)) -Done Admin menu and banning system. !knife command Scores Install B3 (BigBrotherBot) Crack the server -In progress Vip system Custom skins/models for members and admins. Better anti cheat (Because VAC doesn't dete13 likes -
Post random pictures
Nightshxde and 12 others liked a topic by Gabi.
Lel one Croatian fail :D On translation: ''For clean and healthy teeth'' :D13 likes -
Post random pictures
Nightshxde and 12 others liked a topic by Tino
PiNK just pulled up outside my house :) http://i.imgur.com/rMh5iM5.jpg13 likes -
Hi there, The nN| Leading Staff is proud to announce you that : @Evinrude, @Dettie, @LanCesteR & @DarkBlackOMG are now Server Admins lvl60 (sorry for the late announcement). Join me to wish them welcome within our admin tribe and good luck for their career. Hope that @NinjaFish will, one day, follow their traces. Best Regards Substanz12 likes
Hello noName, Our community is moving to the next level. We're proposing to open new servers in different games, and people with special knowledge will get a chance to become Server Manager. Our goal is to provide good gaming process in the most exciting games, so the choice has to be considered. You can see the list of all available servers here (on linux) - https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Dedicated_Servers_List The main Server Manager’s task is to provide technical support, maintain the activity and be ready to bring new ideas and improve the selected server; be easy with li12 likes
Hello all, We're glad to announce the birth of new server nN| Nuketown TDM HC (based on nw4mp mod). What does it include? - Custom weapons + common and many others. - Attachements Check out new laser sight. - New perks You're able to set 3 perks as usual, but most of them are custom. Try all of them! - Custom killstreaks You can set 3 killstreaks. Harrier, AC-130, Artillery, Juggernaut and many others. On this server your gameplay won't be the same. It's more like MW2, but even better. Juggernaut Artillery Nuke Harrier Join us12 likes